2017-2018 William Allen White Children’s Book Awards master lists
Selection committee process *Members must read at least 50% of nominated books to participate in selection. Executive director & secretary & committee chair do not vote. *Only books read by at least 60% of those present at the meeting can be considered. *For a title to be placed on the list following discussion of it, at least 60% of those who read it must vote for its placement. *Titles are first chosen for the list without regard for age division. Once nominations cease, the lists are divided into grades 3 to 5 & grades 6 to 8. *Before we finalize the lists, there is opportunity to reconsider any titles chosen. *Publishers must sign and return a contract stating the book will remain in print through the award year (2018) and that the author would come to Emporia should their book win the award.
Grades 3 to 5
CRENSHAW by Katherine Applegate Feiwel & Friends
THE AMAZING AGE OF JOHN ROY LYNCH by Chris Barton Eerdman’s Books for Young Readers
CIRCUS MIRANDUS by Cassie Beasley Dial Books for Young Readers
FISH IN A TREE by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Nancy Paulsen Books/Penguin
A HANDFUL OF STARS by Cynthia Lord Scholastic Press
THE BOOK ITCH: Freedom, Truth & Harlem’s Greatest Bookstore by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson Carolrhoda Books/Lerner
LUCKY STRIKE by Bobbie Pyron Arthur A. Levine
POET: The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton by Don Tate Peachtree Publishers
FUNNY BONES: Posada and His Day of the Dead Calaveras by Duncan Tonatiuh Abrams Books for Young Readers
Grades six to eight
THE WAR THAT SAVED MY LIFE by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley Dial Books
DROWNED CITY: Hurricane Katrina & New Orleans by Don Brown Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
STELLA BY STARLIGHT by Sharon M STELLA BY STARLIGHT by Sharon M. Draper Atheneum Books for Young Readers
ENCHANTED AIR: Two Cultures, Two Wings: A Memoir by Margarita Engle Atheneum Books for Young Readers
TOOK: A Ghost Story by Mary Downing Hahn Clarion Books
ROLLER GIRL by Victoria Jamieson Dial Books for Young Readers
THE NEST by Kenneth Oppel Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
THE SEVENTH MOST IMPORTANT THING by Shelley Pearsall Random House Children’s Books
ECHO by Pam Munoz Ryan Scholastic Press
VOICE OF FREEDOM: Fannie Lou Hamer, Spirit of the Civil Rights Movement by Carole Boston Weatherford Candlewick Press