Multi-Genre Memoir 8th Grade ELA Writers Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

Multi-Genre Memoir 8th Grade ELA Writers Workshop Immersion Day 1 Multi-Genre Memoir 8th Grade ELA Writers Workshop

Immersion Day 1: Studying Memoir in Multiple Forms Rationale: Memoir writers think about the best form or genre they can use to share their thoughts, memories, and ideas. Your JOB today: You will define memoir and listen to and view various forms of memoirs, specifically picture books.

Immersion Day 1: Studying Memoir in Multiple Forms Memoir writing through multiple genres/forms. Definition: Memoirs are stories that typically focus on a period of time in an author’s life, reflecting on the importance or meaning of this time or experience. This unit promises variety in form and product.

Immersion Day 1: Studying Memoir in Multiple Forms Authors use specific techniques when sharing their stories, memories, and ideas through a variety of genres, of forms. Memoir writers consider their purpose, their audience, and their content when decided the best way to present their personal stories or memoirs. Short Stories, Photo Essay, Graphic Novel, Picture Book

Immersion Day 1: Studying Memoir in Multiple Forms What were the reasons why the author chose the form they did for their memoir? MENTOR TEXT: So Far from the Sea by Eve Bunting In this picture book, political history becomes personal. Hints that it is a memoir: Certain sentence stems. “Dad says there was once…” & “Once there were…”

Immersion Day 1: Studying Memoir in Multiple Forms While I begin to read, why do you think some of the illustrations are in black and white? The reflective nature that these images inspire is one that can be appreciated and highlights important element in memoirs: Reflection Reflect on the water color illustrations and what emotions or feelings do they evoke?

Immersion Day 1: Studying Memoir in Multiple Forms Image on page 12 reflects a terrible era in history. Japan & America were at odds, and Japanese-Americans were looked upon negatively while living in the US. The words and images on this page help to convey how the Japanese were treated while living in the US at this time.

Immersion Day 1: Studying Memoir in Multiple Forms How did the author use: Sensory Detail Dialogue Pacing Precise Vocabulary What was Even Bunting able to accomplish with her story? It serves multiple purposes. What are they?

End/Exit Immersion Day 1 Did you complete your job? Your JOB today: You will define memoir and listen to and view various forms of memoirs, specifically picture books. Any follow up questions? Feedback? Please add to your notebook.