Ardrey Kell High School Student Services Department November 15, 2017 9th Grade PARENT Night Ardrey Kell High School Student Services Department November 15, 2017
MEET THE counselors… Kelly DeAntonio (A-Cal) Lori DiPierno (Cam-Ek) Brandon Webb (El-Har) Mary Sartwell (Has-Lem)
MEET THE counselors… Chad Cable (Len-M) Heather Schiffman (N-Rod) LaTricia Mills (Roe-S) Jorris Clemmons (T-Z)
Other people you should know… Andrew Knoblich Career Development Coordinator Maureen Sanborn Registrar 9th Grade Administrator: Ms. Kris Morgan
What Will i Learn Today? What do School Counselors do? NC Graduation requirements GPA High School Transcript Steps for success at AKHS AKHS “basic training” with Ms. Morgan Career Development with Mr. Knoblich
30 Minute Breakout Session #1: A-Cal – Media Center (Front) Cam-Ek- Media Center (Back) El-Har- Fine Arts Room (A-226) Has-Lem- Fine Arts Room (A-227) Len-Z- Auditorium
30 Minute Breakout Session #2: Len-M – Media Center (Front) N-Rod- Media Center (Back) Roe-S- Fine Arts Room (A-226) T-Z- Fine Arts Room (A-227) A-Lem- Auditorium
General Q&A “AK Basic Training”
Counselor (Based on Alpha) Chain of Command Student (Yours) Teacher (Theirs) Counselor (Based on Alpha) Assistant Principal (Grade Level/Departmental) Principal (David Switzer)
-Stay organized -Stay informed -get involved -ask questions FRESHMAN TALKING POINTS -work hard -hold yourself accountable -respect each other -take pride in ak -Stay organized -Stay informed -get involved -ask questions
Points of Interest - Homeroom - Knight Time - Morning Tutoring - after school tutoring - Dismissal Policy - Capital Campaign
AK Virtual College & Career Center (
WHAT DO SCHOOL COUNSELORS DO? Academic Development Registration and course selection Monitoring graduation requirements Career Development What will you do after AKHS? Four year planning and beyond Personal/Social Development Everything else! Confidentiality and it’s limits
High School Graduation Requirements Course Description English 4 Credits: I, II, III, & IV Math 4 Credits: Math I, Math II, Math III, and a 4th math course to be aligned with the student’s post high school plans Science 3 Credits: a Physical science course, Biology, and Earth/Environmental Science Social Studies 4 Credits: World History, Civics and Economics, American History I and II World Language Not required for graduation-- However, 2 levels of the same language are required for a 4-year college Health/PE 1 Credit: H/PE Electives 6-8 in Art, CTE, or World Language Total: 24 Credits
What is a GPA and DOES 9TH Grade year really matter? Grade Point Average (GPA): Why is GPA important? Determines class rank Looked at by colleges and scholarship committees Averages all final grades earned (cumulative)
What does a transcript say about a student? Information on a transcript: Cumulative GPA (weighted and unweighted) Class Rank Rigor of Courses Record of all high school final grades Legal official document Used by colleges, military, and employers Includes identifying personal information (DOB, address)
Demographic and school information Middle School Courses that count as high school credit (NOT towards GPA) All high school final grades, by school year
Current current year courses State testing Information GPA (weighted & unweighted) & Class Rank State testing Information
What IS NOT ON A TRANSCRIPT Discipline Attendance SAT & ACT Scores Community Service/Volunteer hours Athletic or club involvement Employment
Strategies for school success Utilize Available Academic Supports Tutoring (AM & PM) Knight Time Check PowerSchool Utilize Agendas Communicate with Teachers Challenge yourself– but also keep your whole schedule in mind! Take care of yourself, eat right, and get enough sleep! Utilize the AKHS counseling and CDC Websites Access Naviance
Naviance Get involved in the planning and advising process- build a resume, complete online surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers Research colleges- Compare GPA, standardized test scores and other statistics to actual historical data from AK Explore Careers- Complete a career assessment, explore career opportunities, learn about the educational requirements for careers of interest Accounts were created during homeroom the first two weeks of school. Students should contact their counselor via email if they can’t log in to Naviance.