An Expression of Who you Are Self-Portraits An Expression of Who you Are
What is it????????????? Self-portraits, many now unrecognized, have been made by artists since the earliest times, in a wide range of media. By the Early Renaissance, during the mid 1400s, we can more frequently distinguish artists depicting themselves as either the main subject, or as important characters in their work. With better and cheaper mirrors, and the advent of the panel portrait, many painters, sculptors and printmakers tried some form of self-portraiture. Not until the Renaissance, with increased wealth and interest in the individual as a subject, did self-portraits become truly popular.
Sometimes the artist put their portrait in a group scene, or somewhere in the background of the painting A hybrid genre developed where historical scenes were depicted using a number of actual persons as models, often including the artist, giving the work a double function as portrait and history painting This form of art has started becoming more popular again with people like Cindy Sherman and Frida Kahlo
Some self-portraits portray a fantasy scene and a strong sense of narrative including role-playing and fiction Others are a form of self-promotion Some self-portraits have been analyzed by therapists and neurologists in order to help diagnose mental illness
Your Assignment Create a self-portrait With or without you in it It must represent you in some way You can set up the shot and have someone else snap the shutter, or you can set the self-timer and jump into the scene. You can also hold the camera at arms length or take a photo of yourself as a reflection Think about what is in the background, the lighting (that can add emotion), your expression, what you’re wearing You’ll be turning in one 5x7 mounted to 8x10 The mounting may also add to your portrait Feel free to add words or other media to your final portrait
Vincent Van Gogh Self-portrait 1889
Portrait of Justin . 2002 . Justin simoni
Self-portrait at 28 1500 Albrecht Durer
Self-portrait with camouflage painting 1986 Andy Warhol
Frida Kahlo
Your turn Turn in ONE 5 x 7 print mounted to 8 x 10 This should be an AWESOME print Use depth of field, motion blur, or stop action as needed Darkroom techniques need to be used if necessary (contrast filters, burning/dodging) Be neat! Use nose grease, cut off excess white edges, mount the image in a clean manner
May 1st This is a short amount of time so use class time wisely!!!!!!! WHEN IS THIS DUE? May 1st This is a short amount of time so use class time wisely!!!!!!!