Printmaking Lab
Printmaking A technique of making art that can be mass produced. It involves transferring an image from a print block to another surface, such as paper or fabric.
Relief Printing A print process that uses the raised part of the print block for the print.
Stamping A technique of transferring an image by applying ink or paint to a stamp and pressing the stamp onto paper or fabric. Stamps can be ready made or handmade by using various found objects. A handprint is a form of stamping.
Collage An artistic composition of materials and objects pasted over a surface.
Tempera Paint A permanent, fast drying painting medium that is made from colored pigments and a binder medium. Traditionally, egg yolk is used as the binder, which gives the painting a translucent finish. The tempera paint that we will use has glue as a binder. This is sometimes called poster paint.
Brayer A hand roller used as a tool in many printmaking techniques to spread ink evenly onto the image surface before making a print.
Shape Shape is one of the elements of art. A shape is a flat, enclosed area that has two dimensions—length and width. We can see a shape because it is either surrounded by a line, or because a change in color or value allows us to see its edges.
Pattern Pattern is one of the principles of art. Patterns are made in art when the same shapes or other art elements are repeated again and again. Here are two examples of the use of pattern. The example on the left shows the regular repetition of shapes, line, and color. The patterns on the right are placed more randomly. This is an example of an irregular pattern. Where do you see pattern repeats?
Unity/Variety Unity makes a work of art feel complete and finished because everything (such as color, texture, repetition, movement, and the subject) seems to be in harmony and work together. Variety creates visual excitement. If everything looks too much alike, the work may appear dull. Unity with variety is much more pleasing. Irises by Vincent Van Gogh Where do you see unity in this painting? Where do you see Variety?