estimate fact family round compatible numbers inverse operations Estimating a sum or difference by using the front digit of the number and substituting zeros for the other digits estimate fact family A set of related multiplication and division, or addition and subtraction equations round compatible numbers a number close to an exact amount inverse operations To replace a number with another that tells about how many or how much are easy to compute mentally front-end estimation
How could we use subtraction to find the missing addend? + 1ST ADDEND 2ND ADDEND = SUM 4 10 + = How could we use subtraction to find the missing addend? - = 10 6 4 + = 4 6 10
Relate addition and subtraction + = 10 25 + = 7 15 - = 6 9
Problem page 32 Related facts Family facts PRACTICE Related facts Family facts 4 , 5 , 7, 8 19, 20
, , 2 7 5 4 8 7 1 3 Round Whole Numbers Through Millions Where should you look to round this place value? What do you do when the digit to the right of the digit in the rounding place is 5 or greater? What do you do if it is less than 5?
Round each number to the greatest place 1) 3 4 ,5 6 7 2) 1 ,9 8 8 Problem Page 34 Exercises: 4, 5, 6
Practice Workbook 2.1 1,2,6,9,11,13,15 2.2 2,4,5,8,10,12
Mental math strategies
14 58 + 60 + 12 12+60=72
Base-ten blocks and break apart strategy Why is it helpful to break apart numbers by place value? Can this strategy work for subtraction? How? Base-ten blocks and break apart strategy 45+37= 86-24= 34+56=
Book Page 42: Other strategies Friendly number strategy GUIDED PRACTICE 2-5 Swapping strategy
Use base-ten block to model the problem All of the students in JuanCa’s class and Tommy’s class will receive ribbons on the last day of school. There are 200 students in JuanCa’s class and 654 in Tommy’s class. Use base-ten block to model the problem How can you find out how many ribbons will be needed for both classes?
Book page: 48 Guided Practice 2,5,6 3,4,5,8,17, 23 Homework Practice WB 2.6 3,4,5,8,17, 23