Land Cover for Africa John Kiema Chair, WGLCA Executive Board 13-15 June 2017 Sunyani Ghana
Outline Background Main Activities of WGLCA Objectives of Session Key Questions Expected Outcomes
Background Land cover is one of the identified fundamental datasets for Africa. Information on LULC plays critical role in supporting policy and decision making at local level and is an essential input to many multilateral environmental agreements. Diverse Stakeholders employ LCM datasets. WGLCA implements LULC activities in AfriGEOSS by coordinating and contributing to establishment of national and regional Africa-focused CoP for LULC.
Direct measure using land cover data Further Indicators that could be informed by existing land cover data More to be potentially informed as technology evolves
Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) At least four Aichi Targets for which land cover and land cover change information is needed Land cover information could be useful for at least three targets Focuses on attaining Land Degradation Neutrality and SDG Target 15.3 Parties must submit annual national GHG inventories including estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals in the LC, LCC, and forestry sector
Activities of WGLCA (2017-2019) Continuous maintenance of Land cover inventory in Africa; User requirements assessment to better understand national needs and capabilities of different countries; Harmonize classification systems to ensure consistency with continental scale maps; Provide information on where to focus funding and capacity building resources; and Deliver products and information for policy making.
Objectives of the Session Follow up on outcomes of the land cover session at the 1st AfriGEOSS Symposium; Enhance activities of WGLCA including development of a land cover inventory and the assessment of user needs and in-country capabilities; Review the development of national and regional land cover products by the national and regional institutions in AfriGEOSS.
Key Questions How do land cover products support policy implementation? What is their role in international reporting (e.g. GHG inventories)? Are the available products meeting the user needs and what is the role of the regional entities in developing land cover data of usage at the national level? What are the required mechanisms to reach land cover standardisation and harmonisation in the continent? How do we establish national and regional Communities of Practise? What is the role of National Spatial Data Infrastructures to reduce duplication and leverage on limited resources?
Expected Outcomes Raising awareness on the WGLCA and applications of land cover products Roadmap towards establishing national and continental Community of Practice Plans in achieving harmonization and standardisation on land cover data and classes.
Thank you!