Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy Advanced Applications Course
Exploring Nutritional Guidelines Module 2 : Lesson 4 Yoga Veda Institute Advanced Applications of AYT :: Module
Exploring Nutritional Guidelines Focus Qualities of different food groups How they affect our body and mind How to pacify your dosha imbalances with specific food groups
Our diet has a significant effect on our physical, mental, energetic and emotional body. A diet full of fresh, light foods = our body and mind feel fresh and light A diet of mostly processed foods, lacking in life, energy and nutrition = lack of energy and life in our minds and bodies
Sattvic Foods Create a pure, focused and clear mind Lightness, grounding and nourishment in the body Simple, organic, easy-to-digest and fresh (Fresh vegetables and fruit, herbs, whole grains and nuts)
Tamastic Foods Create a dull, slow, sluggish mind & body Heavy, dull, void of nutrition, lacking in life (Processed, packaged foods, frozen foods, dried or powered)
Rajastic Foods Create an over-stimulated mind & body Over-stimulating, sugary foods (Sweets, dark chocolate, cakes, cookies, caffeine, alcohol, garlic, unions, pepper, chili)
Ideally we would like to stick to a Sattvic diet Ideally we would like to stick to a Sattvic diet. In addition to focusing on a Sattvic based diet, we also need consider our dosha needs and any imbalances within our body.
Qualities of the doshas Pitta = Fire and Water, balanced with air and space Kapha = Earth and Water, balanced with fire and air Vata = Air and Space, balanced with earth and fire
Pitta Pacifying Pitta can manifest as stomach acid, heart burn or inflammation in the physical body or aggression, frustration and anger in the mental, emotional body. Pacify pitta with cooling, calming foods to balance the heat.
Vata Pacifying Vata may present physically as bloating in the physical body, excess gas or an unfocused, scattered, agitated mind, a need to move quickly. We can add vata pacifying foods that are warming and grounding.
Kapha Pacifying Those that have an increase of water and earth elements, imbalance in Kapha, may manifest as heaviness and dullness in the mind and body, demotivation, depression. We can balance these qualities through light, drier foods.
Adding the Right Foods to Our Diet It’s important to think about the qualities of foods – are they qualities that your mind and body require?
Now it’s your turn!