Kingdom Fungi The Latin word for mushroom is fungus The study of fungi is called Mycology
Characteristics Mostly many celled eukaryotes that cannot move on their own and cannot make their own food Live in moist, warm areas!!!! Some are edible, some are poisonous They are classified into groups by how they reproduce (sexually or asexually) Lack structures such as roots, stems, leaves and flowers, so they cannot be in the Plant Kingdom Spores one celled reproductive bodies that become detached from the parent fungus and start a new organism
Divisions of Fungi A. Zygote Fungi Ex: Bread mold 1. Black, fuzzy appearance 2. Produce spores called sporangia (spore case holding spores) 3. Spore case releases spores into the air 4. Each spore will grow into a new mold if conditions are good
B. Sac Fungi Ex: yeasts, molds, morels, truffles Spores are produced in little sacs called asci Some cause diseases ex: Dutch elm disease, apple scab Yeasts can also reproduce asexually by budding - a new organism grows off the side of the parent Fermentation –yeast release energy by breaking down glucose (sugar) into alcohol and carbon dioxide Yeast White Truffle Morel
C. Club Fungi Ex: mushrooms 1. Spores are produced in a club shaped structure called a basidium….under the cap of the mushroom 2. They are an important food crop, though many are poisonous 3. Mushrooms consist of a mass of tubular, branched filaments or strands called hyphae (Collection of hyphae is called mycelium)
D. Imperfect Fungi Ex: penicillium, ring worm, athletes foot No sexual stage Penicillin, an antibiotic, is an important product of Penicillium Ringworm
Lichens An organism that is made of a fungus and green algae that have a mutualistic relationship….friendly!! (Symbiosis) *They are a big food source for many animals*
HOW FUNGI OBTAIN FOOD A fungus secretes enzymes into living or dead plant or animal material on which it grows. The enzymes digest the material, which is then absorbed by the walls of the hyphae. Ex: rotting fruit
Harmful / Helpful Make types of medicines Food source /used in baking Cause damage to plants and whole segments of an agricultural / Dutch Elm Disease / Irish Potato Famine –water mold Can be harmful to humans and animals – ergotism- athletes foot Poisonous Molds- cause food spoilage / human diseases Make types of medicines Food source /used in baking Antibiotics – discovered by Alexander Fleming / kills bacteria Decompose dead organisms and recycle organic matter
Quiz Time! 1. What can algae do that protozoans cannot do? 2. What are cilia? 3. How does an amoeba move? 4. A whip-like tail used for locomotion is called a _______________. 5. Who hunts who? Does a paramecium hunt a Euglena or vice-versa? 6. The sporozoans are protozoans that cannot move. How do they get to food then? 7. Define spore. 8. T or F. Spores need 2 sex cells to unite to form. 9. Fill in the blanks. When yeast is given __________ for energy, alcohol and ____________ are given off as waste products. 10. This process is called _____________? 11. What 2 organisms make up a lichen? 12. What do asci and basidium have in common?