Dr Maria Matusiewicz Contemporary Problems of Transport and Logistics DCT Gdansk
Sea port in Gdańsk
Port of Gdańsk – Terminals and Quays
Why DCT Gdansk? Terminal Summary the largest container terminal in the Baltic Sea The only deep-water terminal in the Baltic Sea receiving direct vessel calls from Asia The fastest-growing container terminal in the Baltic Sea Very well connected with the Polish hinterland The natural gateway to Central and Eastern Europe Ice free all year round PODSTAWOWY = NA KONIEC / ZOSTAWIC TUTAJ?
DCT Gdansk: Technical Specifications Facts and figures Annual capacity: 3 mln TEU 388 vessel calls in 2016 11 STS cranes (up to 25 rows across) 2 deepwater berths (max.17m) 35 RTG and eRTG yard cranes Wersja 2 slajdu nr 7 (na prośbę Dominika) 1.072 reefer plugs Railway siding with 2.5km of tracks 800+ employees
Three turning circles with the diameters of 650m and 670m Marine Access to DCT Deep see approach and turning circles Three turning circles with the diameters of 650m and 670m Approach fairway is more than 17 meters deep with no tidal restrictions Source: Port of Gdansk
DCT Gdansk: Best in Class Marine Access Port with no restrictions Hamburg Wilhelmshaven Bremerhaven Aarhus Gothenburg Rotterdam Antwerp Deepwater Terminal Deepwater Terminal without nautical restrictions (ie. 17m depth) Port Restrictions Gdansk Null Rotterdam Hamburg Elbe, tides, turning circles Bremerhaven Weser, tides Wilhelmshaven Tides Aarhus Depth (14 m) Gothenburg Depth (13,5 m) Antwerp Schelde, tides, locks Koper Depth (14,5 m), severe weather, train restrictions POLAND PODSTAWOWY. Zmiana grafiki dla całej prezentacji Koper
Service East Asia - North Europe 2M Alliance in DCT Gdansk 18 340 TEU and 19 224 TEU container vessels deployed Transit time: Busan-Gdansk route: 36 days Shanghai-Gdansk route: 32 days DCT Gdansk - transshipment and destination hub 2M Alliance -10 years Vessel Sharing Agreement between ML and MSC Service AE10 (ML) / Silk (MSC) Direct service from South Korea, China and Malaysia to Gdansk
OCEAN Alliance in DCT Gdansk Service East Asia – North Europe OCEAN Alliance: CMA CGM, APL, COSCO CS, OOCL, Evergreen OCEAN Alliance first call to DCT Gdansk – 9th May 2017 21 000 TEU capacity container vessels deployed Transit time: Xiamen - Gdansk: 31 days Singapore-Gdansk: 25 days
DCT Gdansk: Regional Hub Competitive location Gdansk is Far Better Located than Traditional Hub Ports with Lower Network Costs Port Frequency Feeder operator Kaliningrad 2 per week Seago Klaipeda 1 per week Riga Tallinn Sankt Petersburg Cosco / Seago Ust-Luga Kotka Unifeeder / Cosco Helsingborg Gavle Norrkoping Sankt Petersburg Kotka Gävle Ust Luga Tallinn Norrköping Riga Klaipeda Helsingborg Kaliningrad Gdansk POLAND * Detailed feeders’ network - attachement 1
Polish Container Terminals Volume DCT Gdansk Customers Volume development 2008-2017 Direct calls effect on Polish container volume: PODSTAWOWY. Dodajemy FYE 2017 + zmieniłbym kolor customer market share. Animacje jak rosna slupki + market share . KOMENTARZ – czy pokazac NE ports? Source: Official PL statistics NAMIARY na Morze i Handel, DCT Gdansk internal data
DCT Gdansk: Terminal Overview Current and planned investments Expansion reserve On dock CFS Railway siding Two deepwater quays Planned breakwaters PODSTAWOWOY – pokazac pelen zakres rozbudiowy T2 b light – kolej / droga / yard. Wylistowac sprzęty ( RMG/ STS) + capacity
DCT Gdansk: Supporting Infrastructure Close to the terminal Container depots 5 depot operators Modern A-class office space 10.000 sqm ready to rent Warehouses up to 500.000 sqm Pomeranian Logistics Centre
DCT Gdansk: Logisitics Park PLC Pomeranian Logistics Center: Close to Multimodal Transport Network Logistics Park Developed by Goodman Up to 500,000 sqm of Warehouse Area 100,000 sqm developed already in less than 2 years Major PCL tennants: Kuhne & Nagel Univeg Eurocash NTA
DCT Gdansk: Continual Improvement Road and rail Road Traffic: Vehicle Booking System ‘E-Gate’ Next Step - Gate Automation, OCR Dual-Carriageway Road Access Rail Traffic: Currently 35% of Import/Export Rail siding – Extending to 750m by Q4 2020 Dual Rail Line Access DCT Plan to Increase to 45% Future Capability to Increase Total Rail Capacity by 50% ( from 4 sidings to 6)
Thank you for your attention Have a nice week!