Test Administration & The TA Sites
Things To Do Prior To Testing Remember: All Smarter Balanced summative assessments will have a CAT (Computer Adaptive Test) and PT (Performance Task) Headsets for use on ELA and for all students with the Text-to-Speech designated support or accommodation.: WIDA has some to share if needed – see ELL Test Coordinator Make sure all Test Administrators take the TA Certification Course and are Certified Make sure School Technology Coordinators: have updated the Secure browsers on each computer used for testing Check individual student requirements for special equipment with accommodations (ie. Brailler) Go over the Testing schedule with Test Coordinator (TC) Confirm you have your TIDE login information
Things To Do Prior To Testing Test Administrators Review manual and script, highlight parts to read if necessary Test your TIDE logins to be sure you are able to log in and administer the test. Student Settings: Confirm student settings in TIDE including Designated Supports and Accommodations by going into Student Settings or using the student search box with SSID# on the upper right of the TIDE screen. Provide students with and opportunity to complete the Training and Practice Tests Familiarize students with Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations before testing. Preparing the “Test Environment” – seating arrangements, stuff on walls, etc. Ensure that all of the information for student log in is available, ex. Print test tickets. Pass out scratch paper and collect with test tickets after assessment and shred Review all Security Procedure and guidelines Remind Test Administrators to report all incidents and irregularities immediately.
Things to Do the Day of Testing Check on network status and connectivity Make sure you can contact Technology Coordinator (radio, cell phone) Make sure Test Administrators know how to reach you in case of difficulty Check to make sure all Test Administrators have signed in (subs and non-certified staff may not administer the test) Test Administrators should be able to positively identify students as they are passing out test tickets, either by recognition or by Student ID cards If possible, have backup certified test administrators ready to provide relief should a test administrator need a break (schedule backup in advance).
How to Administer the Smarter Balanced Test
Things to Do During Testing Make sure no instructional materials posted are visible on the boards Students seated with enough space between them Cell phones and any electronic equipment collected or put away Actively monitor students throughout the test sessions Do not use monitoring software such as Hapara Verify students have the correct login tickets and Session ID Follow the instructions and script in the TAM exactly Report any testing improprieties, irregularities, and breaches to Principal or Test Coordinator immediately
This slide has animations The TA Live Site has a “tree structure” that allows the TA to open various branches until they reach the tests they will be administering then select and launch those tests. Multiple tests can be launched in the same session but care must be taken to ensure that students select and are admitted to the correct test. Once a TA selects tests and Starts a Live Session the session ID appears
Accepting Students into the Session This Slide has animations. Once you have set up a test session and have a Session ID, students can begin logging in To begin testing, students launch the Secure Browser and login using their legal first name, SSID and the Session ID When students start signing in to the test session, an [Approvals] button also appears next to the session ID. Once you approve students for testing, the Test Session table appears in the center of the TA Interface, displaying students’ testing progress. Additional features are available in the banner at the top of the screen. In the banner, you will see a set of buttons and your username. You can click the [Student Lookup] button to search for student login information. Click the [Approved Requests] button to view a list of requests you approved during the test session. Click the [Print Session] button to print a screenshot of the TA Interface. Click the [Alerts] button to view messages sent by the state department of education. Click the [Help Guide] button to access additional information about the TA Interface. Click [Log Out] button when you want to exit the TA Interface.
Editing Student Details: Turn Settings On and Off Ideally, student settings should be set in TIDE before students enter a testing session but it is possible for the TA to adjust many settings before accepting a student into a session. Some of the universal tools available by default may not be appropriate for some students. If you need to turn a universal tool off or on for a student, you must do so before testing begins. Use the selectors in the Test Settings screen to enable or disable the appropriate settings. Some accessibility resources, particularly accommodations must be set up in TIDE prior to testing. For more information, consult the Usability, Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines, available on the alohahsap.org website. As noted previously, the Test Settings screen may not appear exactly as shown here, depending upon your user role and permissions. This is not a TA Training and all TAs should be familiar with the Test Administration Manual, view the Test Administrator (TA) Interface for Online Testing training PowerPoint, and must complete the Certification Course TAs should view the Test Administrator (TA) Interface for Online Testing training PowerPoint available under Training in the Resources Section on alohahsap.org
Things to Do After Testing Collect, secure, and securely dispose of all testing materials including print-on-demand documents, scratch paper, and test tickets. Download spreadsheet from the TIDE to make sure all students were tested Monitor Subgroup participation Schedule makeup sessions Enter Reasons for Non-Participation into TIDE
Resources alohahsap.org >> Smarter Balanced >> Resources >> Test Administration Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment Test Administration Manual (TAM) Guide to Navigating the Online HSAP Administration 2016-2017 Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines HSAP TIDE User Guide 2016-2017 Training Resources and Recorded Webinars alohahsap.org >> Smarter Balanced >> Resources >> Trainings and Webinars Test Administration forms such at the Testing Incident report alohahsap.org >> Smarter Balanced >> Tab in the right-hand panel Also found in TIDE and the appendices of the TAM
If Questions Arise HSAP Help Desk Phone: 1-866-648-3712 Email: hsaphelpdesk@air.org Assessment Section: 733-4100 E-mail:hsa/sas/hidoe@notes.k12.hi.us