Verbes réfléchis It’s all on me…
What are reflexive verbs? Indicate that an action is being performed by the subject Infinitives include the reflexive pronoun “se” e.g. se laver What are reflexive verbs?
Conjugating reflexive verbs The reflexive pronoun conjugates with the verb Reflexive pronouns look a lot like indirect and direct object pronouns Conjugating reflexive verbs
Example Se Laver Je me lave Nous nous lavons Tu te laves Vous vous lavez Il/ Elle/ On/ Qui se lave Ils/Elles se lavent Example
Try it! Se Maquiller Je Nous Tu Vous Il/ Elle/ On/ Qui Ils/Elles me maquille nous maquillons vous maquillez te maquilles se maquillent se maquille Try it!
Common reflexive verbs Se brosser les cheveaux To brush one’s hair Se laver (les mains) To wash (one’s hands) Se brosser les dents To brush one’s teeth Se lever To get up; to get out of bed Se coiffer To do one’s hair Se maquiller To put on makeup Se coucher To go to bed Se raser To shave Se déshabiller To get undressed Se regarder To look at oneself S’endormir To fall asleep Se réveiller To wake up S’habiller To get dressed Se sécher To dry oneself Common reflexive verbs
Conjugation notes S’endormir conjugtes like dormir Il s’endort tôt. Se lever and se sécher conjugate like acheter Tu te lèves tôt. Elles se sèchent. Conjugation notes
If the action is being performed on someone/ something other than the subject, then the verb is not reflexive. I dress the doll. (J’habille la poupée.) I get dressed./ I dress myself. (Je m’habille.) A Note
Differences between languages English I do my hair. He brushes his teeth. French Je me coiffe les cheveaux. Il se brosse les dents. Differences between languages
Impératif Affirmative commands Negative commands Regarde-toi, Alex! me and te become moi and toi Negative commands Ne te regarde pas, Alex! The reflexive pronoun stays beside the verb Impératif