Michelle Chan 1 November 2011 Road Warrior Q2 Kick Off Michelle Chan 1 November 2011
Agenda Program Update Hokkaido Express promotions Fast Track 2 Update Marketing Collaterals Hokkaido Express UCS Agenda
Q2 Campaign - UCS Objective: Drive incremental sales in UCS C Series in Small Business Guidelines: U$25 per server sold by your focused partners RW will be awarded at the start of Q3 via Connect Rewards Platform Monthly report will be provided to RW for verification UCS Training scheduled on 2 November, 11 to 12:30 p.m.
SKU List
Road Warrior Dashboard Objective: Provide visibility of the performance of your focused partners 5 Reports available: Quarterly POS of your focused partners by country / RW (available now) Active/non active Partners (available) Quarterly Report Trend (available mid Nov) Revenue by Distributor Report (available mid Nov) Program registrations Report (CCR, Registered / Select) (ready next week) Upcoming Reports: Pipeline Tracking Report Access to Dashboard this Friday (by invitation) Report will refresh every 2 weeks
REPORT 1 - QUARTER REVENUE REPORT Objective: To have a snapshot of quarterly revenue and YOY Qtr growth percentage of each individual Road Warrior and country. To add in 2 more filters: Partner Type: Touch partner, Focus partners (this field is invisible for all) SCMS field: SP, Enterprise, Commercial. Further breakdown by Sub SCMS) Available now
REPORT 2 - QUARTERLY REVENUE TREND REPORT Objective: To have a snapshot of quarterly revenue chart for each Road Warrior. Cisco to confirm details after internal discussion Coming Soon
REPORT 3 - ACTIVE PARTNER vs PARTNER ASSIGNED REPORT Objective: To have a snapshot of quarterly activeness partner for each road warrior. Available now
REPORT 4 - REVENUE by DISTRIBUTOR REPORT Objective: To have a snapshot report of road warrior purchase pattern against available distributor in its country. Coming Soon
REPORT 5 - PROGRAM REGISTRATION REPORT Objective: To have a snapshot of road warrior partner that join CCR Coming Soon
Q2 SPIFF US$500 per Road Warrior as follows via Connect Rewards Platform: $100 for meeting all soft metrics including CCR $200 for meeting Pipeline creation Target $200 for meeting POS Target
Leveraging CPAs Road Warriors to continue to drive partner registrations CPAs are now chartered to receive calls from registered and non registered partners