Writing a report for a postgraduate course N. Desypris Nov. 2016 Academic Writing Writing a report for a postgraduate course N. Desypris Nov. 2016
Academic writing Prepare a 10 minute presentation for the class Select a topic Review it carefully (books, papers, literature) Think of your personal contribution based on facts and supported arguments Consider your audience (tutor, colleagues) Prepare the report (around 10 pages excluding figures): Abstract (written last, 5-10 lines, keywords) Introduction (say what you are going to present) Main part (present it; do not forget to include your personal contribution) Conclusions (say what you presented) Suggestions for future work List of References (papers, books, web sites which you based your work) Prepare a 10 minute presentation for the class Each presentation should be marked according to adhering with the guidelines above
Academic writing Plagiarism Be careful when presenting information from other source(s) Always make reference to citations Ask permission from the copyright owner if you use extensive information for a topic
Possible topics 1. Review of Digital Television Standards (Terrestrial / Satellite / Cable) 2. Info on video format standards 3. Digital Film and the impact on cinema 4. Advances in VR 5. SmartTV services for Hotels: Report 6. SmartTV services for Hotels: Software project 7. AndroidTV 8. Media Asset Management platforms for digital TV
1. Digital Television Standards (Terrestrial / Satellite / Cable) The report should carry out a brief review of DT standards, their design, their implementation, how they are related to studios and consumer electronics (TV set, DVDs) additional services though multimedia TV platforms. Also how 4K TV, 3D TV, interactive TV relate to the DT standards. A brief presentation of future directions could be also included.
2. Video format standards The digital TV has a huge impact on video format standards. Starting from the video formats used in commercial TV production, the report should also expand on video file formats used in consumer cameras , the web and in image and video processing software packages. Adobe as one of the main commercial player in video editing software could be a case study together with other free/commercial packages
3. Digital Film and the impact on cinema The cinema we knew doesn't exist anymore. Shooting, processing including distribution, follows the digital revolution. The report could carry out a brief presentation of the past, and refer how the digital revolution has affected the film industry. Visits to distribution companies in Greece could also highlight how in practice the technologies under which movies are distributed and played in movie theatres. Sound is of paramount importance to the movie industry, so a brief description of the technologies used, could be included. Finally few words on 3D and speculation on the future of digital cinema could close the report
4. Advances in VR After presenting the ideas behind virtual and augmented reality, the report can focus on popular consumer platforms and their evolution based on existing companies, products and applications. A non exhaustive review of the market trends should close with some suggestion on the future and how this is related to digital and 3D television
5. SmartTV services for Hotels: Report The report surveys existing solutions and applications for the use of Smart TV in hotel and tourism-related domains. The report should address technology offerings, do a preliminary market research, list most common applications/services offered. It should also discuss business modeling issues and predict future evolution of the domain, based on current and future status of Smart TV. Convergence to other domains (e.g., mobile apps) could be also considered.
6. SmartTV services for Hotels: Software project Development of a smart TV application with one of the available frameworks (Samsung Smart TV, Tizen TV, Smart TV Alliance). Design of the provided services and their features, as well as content required. Implementation and testing with available emulators .
7. AndroidTV Review of AndroidTV. Technology, developer tools, applications, market, key players and vendors.
8. Media Asset Management platforms for digital TV Description of the characteristics of a Media Asset Management platform for digital TV. Survey of systems, use cases, technology, business impact, IP & DRM issues.