Revision Fun Print it OR change font color. Seeing it in a different way than you typed it helps you edit. Take a break from it. Read it aloud to check for fluency/flow. If you stumble when reading, then you need to revise it. Read it backwards to check for typos & double words. Underline the first word of every sentence to check for variety. Count the number of words in each sentence to check for variety. If all sentences are in the same range, you need to revise. Proof read for one item above at a time. Add in transition words and/or phrases to develop content.
Read it aloud to check for fluency/flow Read it aloud to check for fluency/flow. If you stumble when reading, then you need to revise it.
Read it backwards to check for typos & double words.
Underline the first word of every sentence to check for variety.
Count the number of words in each sentence to check for variety Count the number of words in each sentence to check for variety. If all sentences are in the same range, you need to revise.
Add in transition words and/or phrases to develop content.
Develop/flesh out content: Did you sandwich your proof?