Security Managers and Permissions
Contents Problem Description Solution
I. Problem Description Develop a program that allows the user to check whether the text input contains bad words or not. A sentence is considered to have bad words if it contains either “sex” or “drug”. However, the sentence is not bad if it contains either “drugget”, “druggist”, or “drugstore”. A sample GUI is shown in the next slide.
II. Solution Developing the Model Developing the View Adding a Listener to Insert Button
1. Developing the Model 1.1 Creating a .policy File in the Project's Root Folder 1.2 Developing the Test Class 1.3 Developing the WordCheck Class 1.4 Developing the WordPermission Class 1.5 Running the Test Class
1.1 Creating a .policy File in the Project's Root Folder This policy is for two actions: avoid and insert
1.2 Developing the Test Class java permission.model.WordCheckTest
1.3 Developing the WordCheck Class
1.4 Developing the WordPermission Class
1.5 Running the Test Class MUST run using the command line!
2. Developing the View
3. Adding a Listener to Insert Button 3.1 Setting the Policy 3.2 Developing the Listener
3.1 Setting the Policy
3.2 Developing the Listener