Created by: Dorina Xenou Olga Georga Alexandros Mavrokefalos Objects from the past Created by: Dorina Xenou Olga Georga Alexandros Mavrokefalos
Super 8/8mm” Handheld Video Cameras “Kodak invented the Super 8/8mm film format in 1965. Soon after, these cameras flooded the market and the living rooms of people everywhere were filled with families watching the recordings.
VHS Format Invented by JVC, VHS was the predominant video format by the 1980’s. Of course now they are replaced by the common DvDs
Phonograph The phonograph, or gramophone, was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877 and was on the mass market by the turn of the century. The gramophone was replaced by the considerably less bulky record player in the latter half of the twentieth century.
Turntables Record players are still in use in DJ booths, recording studios, and radio stations all over the world.
Cassette Tape Recorders These devices were considerably less bulky than their ancestors, and were used mostly for transcription.
Cassette Tapes The cassette was originally developed for transcription purposes, and its users quickly realized that they could use it to record music and make “mixed tapes”.
Telegraph The telegraph was the for runner to telex and fax machines. Used by shipping operators and for military uses, the telegraph required a skilled operator to transmit and receive messages.
Analog Telephones While exactly who invented the phone is a topic of debate, the first patent was awarded to Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. They have evolved from rotary dial models to smart phones that we can use today to surf the internet.
Walkman The Walkman was invented for the co- chairman of Sony, who wanted to be able to listen to his favorite operas on plane trips. The “Walkman” name was used for the product up until the present day.
Typewriters While some writers still swear by them, most writers remember when they swore at them and have happily moved on.
Slide Projectors These were classroom and office standbys for years, and were replaced by digital projectors and smartboards.