Everyday David Levithan Part II
Day 6014 Orlando A looks online and sees that other people have posted about being possessed. He looks for teenagers because that is the only bodies he occupies at this time. He sees a boy who describes exactly what he does, but A has never been there. What clues does this give us about A, or others like A?
Day 6015 Rhiannon A chooses not to access much from Rhiannon so as to respect her. He knows that if he wants her to keep trusting him, he needs her to realize he didn't use his state to learn more about her than she wants him to know. If you could occupy anyone for a day, who would you want to be? What would you want to access in their memory? What part of their life would you want to alter? Explain in a minimum of 5 sentences.
Day 6016 Dylan Cooper A tells Rhiannon all the little things he notice about her. Make a list of at least 5 little things that someone would notice about you if they were in your body, but not if they were just hanging out with you.
Day 6017 Vanessa Martinez A says that Vanessa is not a nice girl. What makes some one "mean" or "bad"? Pick 5 words that describe who you are, write out a complete sentence, explaining why you picked each word.
Day 6018 George A is a boy who is home schooled. The author describes his mother well. Write a short dialogue between George and his mother about something you think would be normal conversation in their house. At least 12 lines.
Day 6019 Surita Rhiannon is making plans to be with A for the weekend. How has her opinion of A developed over the course of the novel so far? Use at least 4 examples from the book as to how Rhiannon feels about A and/or his situation.
Day 6020 Xavier Adams A tells Rhiannon that one of his favorite lives was when he was a blind girl. He says he learned more from her in a day than he had all year. What can be learned from people who are disabled, not just blind people, but anyone with a disability. Explain using at least 5 sentences.
Day 6022 Michael Michael is due to go to Hawaii on the day A takes over his body. What does this chapter tell you about the body-travelling A does each day? Do you think the fact that this phenomenon isn’t fully explained in the book adds or detracts from the story? Why do you think A is the way he/she is? Why do you think that A only ever wakes up in the body of someone roughly the same age as he/she is?
6024 Marc A attends the funeral of Marc’s grandfather. How is this a crucial chapter in A’s understanding of what his/her life means?
Day 2026 Lisa Marshal Rhiannon tells A that they can’t have a romantic future together. ‘And that’s all it take for my fantasy to pop. That’s all it takes for my fantasy to become another fool’s dream’ (pg 279). How do you feel about Rhiannon’s decision? Explain using 5 sentences and at least two examples from the book.
Day 2028 Ainsley Mills Reverend Poole hints that there is a way to stay in the same body for longer than one day, but A senses danger. What do you think Reverend Poole means and wants? What do you think it would take to stop changing bodies? A is desperate to spend the future in a single body, to be with Rhiannon. With this in mind, why do you think A runs away from Reverend Poole without any answers? What would you have done? ‘It can change everything. Or it can change nothing.’ (pg 292) What decision do you think A will make? Why?