The role of youth and International associations in implementation and evaluation of SDGs Oleg Dunaev EVALSDGs
Outline 1st Block Youth and SGDs 2nd Block UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) Evaluation of the SDGs 3rd Block International evaluation associations EVALSDGs 2017
Youth and SDGs EVALSDGs 2017
Youth as a future of the SDGs Youth account for about 16% of the world’s population By 2020, the number of youth is projected to have grown by 7%, to nearly 1.3 billion It is particularly important to engage with youth and empower them in our endeavor for a more sustainable future EVALSDGs 2017
My World Survey 2015 UN with partners led «My World Survey 2015» which allowed participants to vote on world issues that are most important to them through online and offline methods from 2012 to 2015 It received more than 8 million participants from around the world EVALSDGs 2017 Source:
My World Survey 2030 MY World 2030 is a global citizen survey led by the UN and partners about the Sustainable Development Goals Everyone can participate Available at: EVALSDGs 2017
Youth opportunities - International The UN Major Group for Children and Youth Web: UN Youth Delegate Programme Web: youth/what-we-do/youth-delegate- programme.html UNDP Youth Service America (YSA) Web: EVALSDGs 2017
Youth opportunities - International UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Youth Web: The Global Partnership for Youth in Development in partnership with World Bank Web: Youth 4 Global Goals Web: EVALSDGs 2017
Youth opportunities in Russia Open School of Sustainable Development The Open School implements a number of volunteer-based projects to promote the ideas of sustainable development: Online courses Monthly free webinars Translation of online materials from our partners Public speaking Web: development/ EVALSDGs 2017
Youth opportunities in Russia «Become a Youth SDGs Envoy of Russia» yearly program The powers of the Envoy: Make statements on behalf of the Youth SDGs Envoy of Russia Officially promote the LRC and the UN in Russia Involve Russian youth in the implementation of the SDGs Organizers: The National Council «Youth policy in Russia» The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs The United Nations Information Center in Moscow and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) Web: EVALSDGs 2017
United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) EVALSDGs 2017
United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) UNEG is a unique interagency professional network in the UN system that aims to advance the effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the UN system’s work by promoting and strengthening evaluation UNEG’s mission is to: promote the independence, credibility and usefulness of the evaluation function and evaluation across the UN system advocate for the importance of evaluation for learning, decisionmaking and accountability support the evaluation community in the UN system and beyond EVALSDGs 2017
UNEG Norms and Standards for Evaluation The United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards for Evaluation, adopted in 2005 - landmark document for the United Nations and beyond In 2016, UNEG adopted the updated 2016 UNEG Norms and Standards EVALSDGs 2017
UNEG General Norms for Evaluation 2016 Norm 1: Internationally agreed principles, goals and targets Norm 2: Utility Norm 3: Credibility Norm 4: Independence Norm 5: Impartiality Norm 6: Ethics Norm 7: Transparency Norm 8: Human rights and gender equality Norm 9: National evaluation capacities Norm 10: Professionalism Вот эти все нормы надо не растягивать, EVALSDGs 2017
Institutional Norms for Evaluation in the United Nations System 2016 Norm 11: Enabling environment Norm 12: Evaluation policy Norm 13: Responsibility for the evaluation function Norm 14: Evaluation use and follow-up EVALSDGs 2017
UNEG Standards for evaluation 2016 Standards 1: Institutional Framework Standard 1.1: Institutional framework for evaluation Standard 1.2: Evaluation policy Standard 1.3: Evaluation plan and reporting Standard 1.4: Management response and follow up Standard 1.5: Disclosure policy EVALSDGs 2017
UNEG Standards for evaluation 2016 Standards 2: Management of the Evaluation Function Standard 2.1: Head of evaluation Standard 2.2: Evaluation guidelines Standard 2.3: Responsiveness of the evaluation function Standards 3: Evaluation Competencies 3.1 Competencies 3.2 Ethics EVALSDGs 2017
UNEG Standards for evaluation 2016 Standards 4: Conduct of Evaluations Standard 4.1: Timeliness and intentionality Standard 4.2 Evaluability assessment Standard 4.3 Terms of reference Standard 4.4 Evaluation scope and objectives Standard 4.5 Methodology Standard 4.6 Stakeholder engagement and reference groups Standard 4.7 Human rights-based approach and gender mainstreaming strategy Standard 4.8 Selection and composition of evaluation teams Standard 4.9 Evaluation report and products Standard 4.10 Recommendations Standard 4.11 Communication and dissemination EVALSDGs 2017
UNEG Standards for evaluation 2016 Standards 5. Quality Standard 5.1 Quality assurance system Standard 5.2 Quality control of the evaluation design Standard 5.3 Quality control at the final stage of evaluation EVALSDGs 2017
Evaluation of the SDGs EVALSDGs 2017
The importance of the SDG evaluations SDGs are the major international development commitment for at least the next 15 years Do the investments reach and benefit the poorest and most vulnerable groups? How could development assistance be improved: During 2017 – 2030 After 2030 EVALSDGs 2017
Challenges for the evaluations The program is huge and complex with multiple actors, objectives and programs at all levels Currently the SDG evaluation design focuses on monitoring and much less on evaluation Many people do not believe it is possible to evaluate the SDGs Most agencies focus on a particular sector Most agencies focus on results-based approaches with little attention to sustainability Need for stronger learning mechanisms EVALSDGs 2017
Does the international community have the tools to address these broad and complex questions? EVALSDGs 2017
The SDG framework offers unique opportunities for innovative evaluations The SDGs Focus the world on broad questions about the effectiveness of development aid Bringing together many different kinds of organization and talents Giving voice to vulnerable and poorest groups of people Unique access to world-wide platforms for the dissemination and utilization of evaluation findings EVALSDGs 2017
So how close are countries to meeting SDGs? EVALSDGs 2017
The SDG Index Non-profit organization Bertelsmann Stiftung and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) have created a prototype index that measures their performance. The SDG Index measures 157 countries, comparing their current progress with a baseline measurement taken in 2015 The SDG Index considers about 225 indicators on country performance EVALSDGs 2017
The SDG Index report The SDG Index and Dashboards yearly report provides a report card for country performance on the historic Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The annual report shows how leaders can deliver on their promise and it urges countries not to lose the momentum for important reforms Web: EVALSDGs 2017
The SDG Index Global Index Rank Country Global Index Score (0-100) 1 Sweden 85,6 2 Denmark 84,2 3 Finland 84,0 4 Norway 83,9 5 Czech Republic 81,9 6 Germany 81,7 7 Austria 81,4 8 Switzerland 81,2 9 Slovenia 80,5 10 France 80,3 Source: EVALSDGs 2017
The SDG Index EVALSDGs 2017
Building national capacities for SDGs Signatories to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have committed to developing Voluntary National Review frameworks (VNRs) These are intended to track implementation of the Agenda up to 2030, promote accountability to citizens, foster exchanges of best practices across countries and support mutual learning The inclusion of country-led evaluations clearly implies that countries need to develop appropriate national monitoring and evaluation systems as part of their follow-up and review frameworks EVALSDGs 2017
National Voluntary Reviews At the 2016 UN High Level Political Forum, 22 countries presented Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) — status reports on their efforts to implement national-level follow-up and review frameworks for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) At the 2017 UN High Level Political Forum 2017 – 43 VNRs VNRs are available at: EVALSDGs 2017
National Voluntary Reviews – Main Findings In 2017 International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in cooperation with EVALSDGs performed assessment of the first 22 country reposts The main findings are highlighted in a Briefing paper: Most countries will rely on their existing M&E systems for reviewing progress. Very few of the reporting countries are considering developing a specific M&E system for SDGs The reports mostly discuss quantitative methods and indicators In most VNRs, the term ‘evaluation’ is not clearly defined and its use is ambiguous In many reports the two terms – monitoring and evaluation appear to carry the same meaning There appears to be very little awareness about just what evaluation is and how it could be used to support the 2030 Agenda EVALSDGs 2017
World-wide platforms EVALSDGs 2017
EvalPartners EvalPartners is an innovative partnership to enhance the capacities of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) to influence policy makers, public opinion and other key stakeholders so that public policies are based on evidence, and incorporate considerations of equity and effectiveness EvalPartners was initiated in 2012 by the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) and UNICEF EvalPartners is an interactive Web platform to share knowledge on country-led M&E systems worldwide EvalPartners learning source and knowledge-sharing platform EVALSDGs 2017
EvalPartners EVALSDGs 2017
Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020 The Global Evaluation Agenda (GEA) provides a road map towards the vision for the future of evaluation profession jointly developed by thousands of evaluators from different countries and organizations and endorsed by the delegates of the Global Evaluation Forum held at the Parliament of Nepal in Kathmandu in November 2015. EVALSDGs 2017
Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020 EvalAgenda 2020 is addressing the 4 main Dimensions: Strengthening an Enabling Environment for Evaluation Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Evaluation Strengthening of Individual Capacities for Evaluation Strengthening Inter-linkages EVALSDGs 2017
Third EvalPartners Global Forum EVALSDGs 2017
Third EvalPartners Global Forum The Third EvalPartners Global Forum was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, on April 26-28, 2017 The Forum theme was «Transforming our world through evaluation: engagement and partnership for the better world we want» The Forum brought together 153 participants from 51 countries Participants to the Forum discussed possible contribution of the EvalAgenda 2020 Adopted and signed the Bishkek Partnership Statement EVALSDGs 2017
Third EvalPartners Global Forum EVALSDGs 2017
Third EvalPartners Global Forum Purpose Activity Outcomes Provide space and time for Network discussions Network meetings on Day 1 and Day 3 Bishkek Statement Promote exchange and cooperation among Networks Cross-Network meetings on Day 2 Network plans Enrich Networks’ vision with perspectives from multiple evaluation stakeholders Reflection on linkages among main pillars of the EvalAgenda 2020 and key themes of the SDGs on Day 1 Sectoral meetings (government, development partners, private sector, academia, VOPEs) on Day 2 Cross-sectoral meetings on Day 2 Perspectives from thought leaders on Day 2 EvalPartners Flagship Programs EVALSDGs 2017
The Bishkek Partnership Statement The Bishkek Partnership Statement reaffirms Forum delegates’ engagement in evaluation as an effective instrument for: Promoting and supporting equitable sustainable development Their commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, and to the EvalAgenda 2020 EVALSDGs 2017
The Bishkek Partnership Statement EVALSDGs 2017
EvalPartners networks EVALSDGs 2017
EVALSDGs EVALSDGs is a sub-network of the Global EvalPartners EVALSDGs is a network formed to add value and learning to SDGs, as well as support processes to integrate evaluation into national and global SDGs review systems The network is made up of skilled policy makers, institutions and practitioners with a shared interest in evaluation and sustainable development EVALSDGs Web: EVALSDGs 2017
EVALSDGs Management Group EVALSDGs structure EVALSDGs Executive (2 Co-Chairs, 1 VOPE, 1 UNEG 2 Vice Co-chairs) EVALSDGs Management Group (Executive, Working group leaders, Language group leaders) 1. Advocacy 2. Spotlights Approach 3. Guidance ( competency) 4. Communications EVALSDGs 2017
EVALSDGs sub-groups EVALSDGs is organized around the following working groups: Management group – overall planning and organization Guidance/training group – evaluation community and national evaluation capacity development Advocacy brief group – publications and advocacy opportunities for evaluation and the SDGs; Partnership with IIED and other organizations Case studies/spotlights group – systematization of experiences and good practices in evaluation related to the SDGs Communications/knowledge sharing – web platform and social media EVALSDGs 2017
EvalYouth EvalYouth is a global, multi-stakeholders partnership to promote young and emerging evaluators to become future leaders in the evaluation profession EvalYouth strives to promote young and emerging evaluators (YEE), including young women, to become technically sound, experienced and well networked professionals in promoting evaluation culture at national, regional and international levels. It intends to coordinate and maximize efforts in evaluation, through: Social mobilization of key actors, both young and emerging evaluators as well as mentors and supporters of EvalYouth activities Promotion of practical innovation Facilitation of learning and sharing of experiences Find more on Facebook EVALSDGs 2017
EvalYouth EvalYouth has two overarching goals: To promote Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEE), including young women, to become competent, experienced and well-networked professionals who contribute to evaluation capacity at national, regional and international levels To promote the inclusion of Youth and Young People (YYP), including young women, in evaluations conducted at the national, regional and international levels EVALSDGs 2017
Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) are evaluation nonprofit membership organizations that are open to individuals interested in evaluation: Voluntary: VOPEs are nonprofit organizations that do not benefit any one individual or corporate entity. They are open to anyone who wants to join. Most VOPEs charge a low annual fee to cover costs of a website, communications such as a newsletter, and possibly a journal Organizations: VOPEs are organizations with a democratic and inclusive process to elect representatives in their leadership. They share information openly among all members about opportunities to get involved, and any evaluation competitions that are directed to the leaders of the organization. These organizations have different names in different countries and cultures such as: association (e.g. American Evaluation Association), society (e.g. Canadian Evaluation Society), network (e.g. Brazilian Network), and conclave (e.g. Community of Evaluation of South Asia) Professional Evaluation: Evaluation is a profession, and as such, VOPEs are organizations whose members conduct, use and commission professional evaluation, and who promote the use of professional evaluators in conducting evaluations EVALSDGs 2017
Conclusion Youth is an important part of sustainable development and SDGs implementation process There are a lot of opportunities for the youth to take part in SDGs implementations SDGs implementation process is about a number of challenges and opportunities for the international evaluation community World-wide platforms are the powerful instruments for the SDGs implementation EVALSDGs 2017
Useful resources EVALSDGs 2017 Bamberger and Segone (2011) How to design and manage equity-focused evaluations. UNICEF Available at: Bamberger, M; Segone, M. and Tateossian, F (2016) Evaluating the sustainable development goals within a “no-one left behind” lens through equity-focused and gender- responsive evaluations. Eval Gender, UN Women, UNICEF, UNEG. Available at: responsive_evaluations EVALSDGs Country Spotlights Available at: UNEG Evaluation reports Available at: Report on the Third EvalPartners Global Forum Available at: %202017.pdf The United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards for Evaluation Available at: EVALSDGs and International Institute for Environment and Development Briefing Papers Available at: Country National Voluntary Reviews Available at: A/70/684 - Critical milestones towards coherent, efficient and inclusive follow-up and review at the global level Available at: UN and SDGs: A Handbook for Youth Available at: The SDG Index and Dashboards Report Available at: EVALSDGs 2017
Useful links Networks and associations International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) Web: EvalPartners Web: EvalSDGs Web: EvalYouth Web: EVALGENDER+ Web: EVALINDIGENOUS Web: Parliamentarians Forum for Development Evaluation Web: UN Evaluation group Web: EVALSDGs 2017
Thank you for your attention! Questions? Oleg Dunaev International Development Consultant EVALSDGs 2017