Dr. Terebessy Tamás Anatomical problems in orthopaedic surgery Semmelweis University, Department of Orthopaedics
The subjects of pediatric orthopaedics Developmental disorders Bone dysplasias Infection Metabolic and endocrine diseases Deformities of the bones and joint Neuromuscular diseases Bone tumors and tumorlike lesions
Congenital and developmental disorders
Torticollis muscularis congenitus
Sprengel deformity
Congenital Dislocation of the Hip CDH Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip DDH
Coxa vara congenita
Congenital knee luxation
Neuromuscular diseases
Cerebral Palsy
Hemilplegia Ribera (1591-1652) : Le Pied Bot (Louvre)
Examination in CP
Surgical treatment in CP Achillotomy
Examination in CP Rectus femoris test (Ely test)
Diplegia Subluxation and luxation of the hip in CP
Subluxation of the hip in CP
Subluxation and luxation of the hip in CP Luxated hip Luxated hip
Subluxation and luxation of the hip in CP Preventive adductor release combined with iliopsoas release
Open reduction and varisation-derotation femur osteotomy (with femur shortening + iliopsoas release) Proximal femoral resection
Muscular Dystrophy Gowers sign Child has thoracolumbar lordosis Calf pseudohypertrophy Child has thoracolumbar lordosis Muscular Dystrophy Gowers sign
Epiphyseolysis capitis femoris
Anatómiai és élettani tulajdonságok Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Anatómiai és élettani tulajdonságok A femur proximális physisének változóan hullámzó jellege Az antilop distalis femur physise.
The histologic zone of failure varies with the type of loading Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis The histologic zone of failure varies with the type of loading EPIHYSIS PHYSIS Germinal Columnation TENSION SHEAR Hypertrophic COMPRESSION Ossification METAPHYSIS
Deformities of the bone and joints
Scheuermann disease
Bone dysplasias Achondroplasia
What is the danger of the deformities ?
Thank you for your attention!