Professional Image Development: Making Critical First Impressions Dr. David B. Ross Fischler School of Education and Human Services Nova Southeastern University
Professional Image Development Series 2008 Making Critical First Impressions Maximizing Professional Relationships Social Graces in Business Places The Impact of Professional Image
“Always dress up, because you can always dress down “Always dress up, because you can always dress down. Never dress down, because you can never dress up!” --- Anonymous
Workshop Objectives This workshop highlights the benefits of making a positive, lasting impression on colleagues, students, business partners, and the NSU community. Employees gain insight to value first impressions and how to always ensure positive, meaningful encounters.
Today’s Agenda Knowledge and understanding of first impressions: Impression management Manage other’s impressions of you Activity: Why is impression management important? Social interaction: The importance of balance Perceptions: How Do You Feel Others Recognize You? Activity: Personal label and reflection
Impression Management A process by which we attempt to influence the reactions and images people have of us and our ideas (de Janasz, Dowd, Schneider, 2002). The process of portraying yourself to others in a manner that creates a desired impression. Any individual or organization establishing and maintaining impressions that are congruent with the perceptions they want to convey to their publics (Goffman, 1959).
Manage Others’ Impressions of You Be Punctual Respect of others’ time Dress Appropriately Inquire ahead of certain dress Flatter Legitimately Say positive things Have a Good Sense of Humor Places others at ease Be Friendly and Approachable Stay current with common interests Make Friends Value your contacts
Why is Impression Management Important? Activity Get in small groups and have discussion Do you think about how others feel after interacting with you the first time? Your dress Your voice Your character Your demeanor
Why is Impression Management Important? Being noticed (e.g., confident, interesting, attractive, sincere) Invitations (e.g., interviews, meetings, conferences, etc.) Reputation of job and product knowledge Networking Friendships, relationships
Social Interactions: The Importance of Balance Communication: Verbal and non-verbal Facial expressions and gestures Voice (tone, inflection, pitch, diction) Make others feel appreciated To feel appreciated and affirmed Be connected Commonality with others Mood elevation To feel uplifted Enlightenment Stimulating and appealing to be around
Perceptions: How Do You Feel Others Recognize You? Identity – individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized Who you are Who you want to be What your unique characteristics are Other characteristics that people do not see The characteristics that are important to you
Personal Label Activity Write down [column one] personal labels that people associate you with: cultural, morality, faith, interests, passion, personality, physical, and social place. Write down [column two] the impact that it has on your self-perception.
Reflections on Your Personal Labels How does it feel to be labeled? How does it feel to recognize the impact these labels have on you? Why do you feel these labels are attached to you? Who do you want to be?
Acknowledgements Dr. Tara Saltzman, Executive Dean Sonia Smith, Executive Director The Office of Training and Organizational Development Committee members
Bibliography Allen, S. (2008). Developing a reputation. About, Inc. Retrieved March 14, 2008, from Burgess, T., Pugh, K., & Sevigny, L. (2007). The personal vision workbook. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning. Deamarais, A., & White, V. (2004). First impressions: What you don’t know about how others see you. Bantam Books. De Janasz, S. C., Dowd, K. O., & Schneider, B. Z. (2002). Interpersonal skills in organizations. Boston: McGraw-Hill. Goffman, E. (1959). The presentation of self in everyday life. New York: Doubleday. Mind Tools. (2008). Making a great first impression. Retrieved March 14, 2008, from