Workforce Readiness Ron Williams, SHRM-CP, PHR SHRM Georgia Workforce Readiness Director 912.658.4485 *
2017 Workforce Readiness Activities -Follow SHRM Foundation Recommendation -Preparing for the Aging Workforce Additional Opportunities for Chapters -JAG Partnership -Junior Achievement -DOL Apprenticeship Program -Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Aging Workforce SHRM Foundation 2016-17 Inclusion Issue - Preparing for the Aging Workforce -Brochure and other resources available on website -Partnership with AARP for speakers -Also serves as a Diversity Initiative for your Chapters
JAG – Jobs for America’s Graduates -Georgia is one of 33 states with JAG -Mark Butler, Labor Commissioner, serves on the JAG Board of Directors -JAG will provide speakers for SHRM Chapter Meetings -Business leaders can be encouraged to contact JAG for more information on hiring graduates
Other Chapter Opportunities -Junior Achievement -MoU with SHRM -Speakers available for 15 or 60 minute presentations -DOL Apprenticeship Programs -Contact your local DOL office for resources -Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) -Brett Lacy,, 404.962.4139 -One Stop Shop to help employers