Briefing Dec 2017 Unit Lead: Helen Ryan-Atkin BA1 BA (Hons) Primary Education: Year 1 School Based Training 2017-18: Placement Days Briefing Dec 2017 Unit Lead: Helen Ryan-Atkin BA1 Introduce myself.
How are you feeling about SBT? Mach es machbar = Make is feasible.
Focus of the BA1 placement 10 placement days and a six-week block Understanding… learners, educational institutions, the role of the teacher, learning within an EY setting, learning and pedagogy in PE. Observing…learning and learners. Teaching…groups and whole classes 10 days, plus 6 week block.
Key Dates Tuesdays: 9th Jan- 20th March (10 in total) Placement Days If school has a two week half term student to negotiate another day visit during these 10 weeks. w/c 4th December Send a letter of introduction to the Head teacher. Friday 16th March, 4-6, Geoffrey Manton LT1 SBT Briefing for Block Placement February/March EYFS Workshops with Elly Hoskins Once you know your UVT: Nearer to Block: Make contact with UVT, and email them: Name of Class Mentor and email address Year group taught Timetable for the first week of block A plan that will be used during the first week of block Targets from action plan (if decided) Initial contextual analysis First Weekly Review Meeting Record (if taken place) 24th January, 2018 3-4.30 TBC Class Mentor briefings
Key dates (cont.) 16th April– 25th May Block placement 26.3.18 – 13.4.18 MMU Easter holiday period w/c 16th April – w/c 30th April Interim Report window: UVT and CM joint observation Interim Report completed and grades sent to placements office (by 27th April). Week 41 – look out on your PDR Moodle page. Students return to University for PDR tutorial following Interim assessment week. w/c 14th May or 21st May Senior Moderator Visit w/b 21st May 2018 University Tutor visit Final Report 25th May 2018 End of Placement The school Easter holidays may be different from the SBT planner dates.. Find this out during your day visits and let me know via email if school dates are different.
Counselling Services: 0161 247 3493 Communicating with Tutors Unit Specific Problem Academic Problem Pastoral problem School Based Training Problem – University Based School Based Training Problem – School Based Personal Tutor Personal Tutor Personal Tutor Class Mentor and/or Professional Mentor Unit Tutor Unit Leader Student Hub Student experience team lead – Mairead Owens Partnership coordinator – Helen Ryan-Atkin University visiting tutor and/or Deputy Head Teacher Quality teaching and learning team lead – Karin Boyd Partnership coordinator – Helen Ryan-Atkin Counselling Services: 0161 247 3493
Getting ready to begin the School Placement DBS: no DBS, no placement! Send a letter of introduction to the HT (copy in file). Re-read the handbook Look at school website Check the school’s OFSTED report Start your Contextual Analysis (Appx 9) Plan your journey there Letter to HT: say how pleased you are to be going to their school, and show that you know a little bit about it. Give some idea of your experiences working with children, what you have so far learnt and understood about being a good teacher, and that you hope to contribute to the life of the school in as many ways as possible (give some examples if you are interested in extra curricular activities). Gather contextual information about the setting from relevant websites and begin to write your contextual analysis using the ‘Contextual Analysis Proforma’ (Appendix 9a and b). Continue working on this throughout your placement, and be prepared to share with your UVT when he/she visits. It is a working document.
Students can be put at ARoF for poor files. Your files Start your school based training files. Use the Contents of School Based Training Files . (Appendix 1 SBT Handbook). Your SBT files must be set up and well-organised before you begin the placement. Files should have distinct sections that are clearly labelled. Anyone who needs to access your file should be able to find their way around it. You are required to read and be aware of policies indicated on the checklist. Make notes on these. Students can be put at ARoF for poor files. PDR tutorial 3 (w/c 22 or 29 Jan) – bring your files Have your files in school either at all times, or at least once a week, and definitely for any formal meetings or reviews you have with your CM. CM is asked to make comments on the progress of these files – there is a column for them.
Being professional Time-keeping Dress Attitude Social media Mobile phones Understanding the demands on staff time
How you will be assessed Teachers Standards Grading Criteria SBT Interim and Final Reports
Overview of Placement Days ‘Guidance Allocation of Teaching Timetable (p12) Share this, Placement Overview (p9) and Appx 1 with your CM. Get to know your class with lots of observing, discussion and note taking. Use your BBT learning journal and proformas. Complete as many activities and tasks as possible. Bilingualism Portfolio Contextual Analysis. Days 7-10: SBT targets and Action Plan to be discussed. Identify areas of subject knowledge to focus on. Prepare and send documents to UVT Guidance on what to do, and how to allocate your time for each of your Placement Days. We shall go through the timetable for the Block when we meet again in March. Remember this is guidance only – your CM may want to arrange things differently, depending on the class and school context.– for planning and teaching. Ensure your CM is aware of the requirements of this placement, what you have to do, and their role, by showing him or her the handbook. I suggest you print out the suggested timetable and have it at the front of your SBT file, then tick or highlight when you have completed each requirement. Your CM will check you are on track with these throughout your placement, using Appx 1 3 . ON-GOING: For learning journal, refer to BBT moodle page, sessions 2 and 3. This is precious time to really get to know your class before the block placement. You have a number of tasks to complete on these days – we shall look into them in more detail later. Ensure that your CM is aware of these, and that you have planned opportunities to complete them in your Professional Development time.
Meet with Class Mentor (CM) Days 1-3 Meet with Class Mentor (CM) Observe in all 3 ages phases for half a day (EY,KS1,KS2), using teacher and child observation sheets from website. Complete the Early Years Task 1: Observation of Adult- Led Activity (Appendix 4) Gather information on how the EYFS setting is organized and managed. Start to use EYFS Experience Checklist (Appx 3) Start Early Reading and Phonics Tasks 1 & 2: (p21 of the handbook)
Continue with Phonics Tasks 1 & 2 Consider Cultural Diversity Day Visits 4-10 Complete Science Task Complete Number Tasks Continue with Phonics Tasks 1 & 2 Consider Cultural Diversity Assessment 1. Science task. The purpose of the activity is to identify children’s ideas (these might be misconceptions about forces-floating and sinking). Details of Core Moodle page. This task can be completed in either EYFS, KS1 or KS2 and ideally should be completed on one of your day visits 4-10. However, if you are unable to do this it can also be completed within your main block. 2. Complete the Number Tasks during these Day visits: counting and calculation tasks – Tasks A and B (pp21-28) [Helen check this is still correct]. These tasks can be completed in either EYFS, KS1 or KS2 and ideally should be completed on one of your day visits 4-10. However, if you are unable to do this it can also be completed within your main block. 3. Continue with Phonics tasks 1 and 2: 4. Any festivals or activities taking place during your placement? Bilignualism tasks: Complete any tasks in the portfolio that is appropriate in your placement context. On-going throughout the 3 years. SBT Moodle page has the portfolio. 5. Assessment: Investigate oral and written feedback to children. How does the Class Mentor carry out individual and group assessments? How are children helped to review their own progress? What provision is made for children on the SEN record/ with EHC plans? Look at children’s work and discuss levels of attainment with the Class Mentor. Begin to develop records on individual children with your annotations.
Day Visit 4 Support a group in either maths or English in base class, using teacher’s planning Setting-based Tutorial 1: behaviour management focused observations (see Appx 6) School/Setting-based Tutorial 1: Carry out a focussed observation on behaviour management in base class during this day visit. Observations and reflections to be discussed with Class Mentor/Professional Mentor at the end of the day. (See Appendix 6 for behaviour management question prompts for both students and Class Mentors). We haven’t written in any other tutorials with your PM/CM, but it would be a good idea to have one or two in the days that follow.
Early Reading and Phonics Task 3: Observe a phonics lesson Day Visit 5 Plan and teach a group in base class either maths or English/Literacy, using teacher’s planning – adapted by you on MMU proforma Early Reading and Phonics Task 3: Observe a phonics lesson Day visit 5: Plan and teach a group in base class either maths or literacy using teacher’s planning that you have adapted on the MMU planning proformas. Observe a phonics session in either base class or elsewhere in school for Phonics Task 3: Observe and teach a phonics lesson. However, you will not need to teach it at this stage.
Day 6 Plan and teach a different ability group from Day 5 in a subject agreed with your CM – using teacher’s planning, adapted on MMU proforma Day visit 6: Plan and teach a different ability group from Day Visit 5 using teacher’s planning that you have adapted on the MMU planning proformas.
CM to complete one RoLO during one of these days KS1/2 base-class: plan and teach whole class in an agreed subject (on each day visit) EYFS base-class: plan, organise and assess learning in continuous provision for one session on each day visit. Observe 3 more phonics lessons Teach a phonics lesson if possible. Discuss Lesson Study activity (block placement) with CM Meet with CM to draft Action Plan and SBT targets. Day visits 7-10: If your base class is in KS1/2: Plan and teach the whole class using teacher’s planning that you have adapted on the MMU planning proformas on Day Visit 7, 8, 9 and 10. If your base class is in EYFS: Plan, organise and assess learning through observations and questioning within the EYFS continuous provision for one session based on teacher’s plan for that day/week on Day Visit 7, 8, 9 and 10. Use the MMU EYFS planning proformas. Observe 3 more phonics sessions. Ask your Class Mentor to complete one RoLO for you during any of the day visits 7-10. Have a meeting with your mentor to discuss your targets and your own reflections.
Other requirements EYFS Experience Checklist (App. 3) Observe how other adults are deployed Negotiate how you will contribute to the life of the setting Research any areas of uncertainty in your own subject knowledge Note cultural diversity in the setting Read relevant school policy documents
Other requirements (cont.) Resources available to you? Consider the organisation of the classroom Developing good behaviour and purposeful learning environment Investigate feedback to children Begin records on individual children What resources are available to you and what will you be expected to provide yourself? Look at effective displays Feedback to children: Investigate oral and written feedback to children. How does the Class Mentor carry out individual and group assessments? How are children helped to review their own progress? What provision is made for children on the SEN record/ with EHC plans? Look at children’s work and discuss levels of attainment with the Class Mentor. Begin to develop records on individual children with your annotations.
Planning and teaching – some things to consider How will you introduce the session? How will you link to prior learning? What resources will you use? What questions will you ask? How will children be working – pairs/groups/individually etc How will you plan for talk? Other adults? How will you know what the children have learned? See p17-19 in the HB for more
Be a reflective teacher What difference did you make? What worked well? Not so well? Why (not)? For whom? Next time…. How you ACT on your own reflection is KEY!
Evaluation and Assessment Evaluate your group and whole-class teaching. Gather samples of children’s work – mark and annotate Have a go at planning for any Additional Adults using the AA Feedback sheets Annotate your existing plans –You don’t need to type everything! Most of the guidance on teaching and assessment refers to your block placement, but there are a few considerations for your day visits. This is about assessing and evaluating your own teaching, its impact on the children’s learning, and starting to track progression in both your own practice and the children’s learning. Assessment of children’s learning need to start to inform your future planning and teaching! 1.Evaluate your group and whole-class teaching, through discussion with your CM and completing the evaluation proforma (on website). Comment on the impact on the children’s learning, your professional development AND the next steps. 2. Following your group and class teaching, gather samples of children’s work – mark and annotate 3. For your whole-class teaching have a go at planning for any Additional Adults using the AA Feedback sheets 4. Don’t be afraid to write on/annotate your existing plans – this shows that they ARE practical, working documents – we like this! You don’t need to type everything!
Placement Documents Primary Partnership website: Look under both ‘All Students’ and ‘BA1’ KS1 & 2 Example planning template Planning for EYFS continuous provision Phonics Planners Guided Reading Planner Planning for EYFS group activity Additional adult communication and feedback sheets Adult and child observation pro forma Planning guidance Weekly Review and Reflections proforma ROLOs – KS1/2, EYFS, Phonics Remember you need to use the proformas provided for planning. You may add to them, but all the sections/subheadings used on our proforma must remain. You cannot take anything away. The monitoring and assessment proformas are suggestions only. You can devise your own. There are lots of other docs on the website – make sure you look at it, and share with your CM, in case they aren’t sure where to find things.
Negotiate with school, inform UVT PT and Placements Team. Absences Handbook p8 Known absence: Negotiate with school, inform UVT PT and Placements Team. If possible, ensure that you have left a copy of any of your plans with your class mentor. Unexpected absence: Contact the school YOURSELF by TELEPHONE as early as possible (8.30 at the latest). Keep the school informed on a daily basis. Email the Placements Team, UVT and PT. Text messages to CM are NOT acceptable Students will not be allowed to take time off from setting for family celebrations, weddings etc. It is the student’s responsibility to inform family and friends of these regulations. This links back to being a good communicator-you never get a second chance to make a first impression. If you already know that you are going to be absent, negotiate this with the school and inform your University SBT Tutor and Personal Tutor. Inform the Placements Team. If possible, ensure that you have left a copy of any of your plans with your class mentor.
All absences must be made up. Absences (cont.) Doctor’s note if you are absent for more than five consecutive school days. All absences must be made up. You will need to apply for Exceptional Factors (click to follow the link to the guidance) if you have an absence that will impact on your placement being delayed in any way and at any stage, i.e. if you are not able to complete your placement at the scheduled time. The student must: Contact the setting – telephone the setting personally Contact their University Visiting Tutor Contact the Programmes Office, tel: 0161 247 2436 University Visiting Tutor should be notified about planned absences, ie trips, as soon as the date of absence is known. Unplanned absences should be notified as early as possible on the day of absence – 8.30 am at the latest - and subsequent days where necessary. A student MUST telephone the setting EACH DAY of their absence so that the setting can plan accordingly. It is not acceptable for a student to send a text message to the Professional Mentor or Class Mentor to notify them of an absence from setting in place of the telephone call to setting. The University will treat any breach in these arrangements very seriously. If a student fails to attend a placement for 2 consecutive days without contacting the setting, the Class/Professional Mentor should ring the appropriate Placements Office immediately (0161 247 5070). Any days of absence must be made up in the school or setting. This applies to both the block placement and the Placement Days.
Check SBT Moodle page regularly Read my emails! Check PDR Moodle page Keep informed Check SBT Moodle page regularly Read my emails! Check PDR Moodle page Contact UVT if any unresolvable problems. Keep an eye on emails as I will send announcements that will remind you of requirements for each week, and any placement updates. Also check the PDR moodle site to remind you of tutorials and requirements.
I didn’t think parents would look at my Facebook page My mum booked me a surprise holiday to Canada. My class mentor doesn’t know anything. I didn’t see anything wrong with telling staff about my personal life. Nobody told me what I had to do. Be professional at ALL times. All comments made by students. God, these kids are little…!
Timetable in your prepping and planning Have time for yourself Coping Timetable in your prepping and planning Have time for yourself Keep in communication with other students Be resilient – first step to a great career!
Quick Quiz What does UVT stand for? Who should you go to in the first instance re: SBT issues? Where can you find all the SBT resources? Where will I put notices? First Placement Day?
And finally… Last year’s BA1s – their own experiences and advice. ng-resource/teachers-tv- tips-for-trainee-teachers- placements-6046784