2016-17 Annual Report Public Hearing PRESENTED BY Campus Administrators and Special Programs February 21, 2018
Annual Report Requirements District Accreditation Status Accreditation - ACCREDITED Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) Accountability Rating Meets Requirements Special Education Status – Meets Requirement Campus Performance Objectives Report on Violent or Criminal Incidents on Campus Student Performance in Postsecondary Institutions
Performance Thresholds MASTERS GRADE LEVEL Performance in this category indicates that students are expected to succeed in the next grade or course with little or no academic intervention. Students in this category demonstrate the ability to think critically and apply the assessed knowledge and skills in varied contexts, both familiar and unfamiliar. For Algebra II and English III, this level of performance also indicates students are well prepared for postsecondary success. MEETS GRADE LEVEL Performance in this category indicates that students have a high likelihood of success in the next grade or course but may still need some short-term, targeted academic intervention. Students in this category generally demonstrate the ability to think critically and apply the assessed knowledge and skills in familiar contexts. For Algebra II and English III, this level of performance also indicates students are sufficiently prepared for postsecondary success. APPROACHES GRADE LEVEL Performance in this category indicates that students are likely to succeed in the next grade or course with targeted academic intervention. Students in this category generally demonstrate the ability to apply the assessed knowledge and skills in familiar contexts. DID NOT MEET GRADE LEVEL Performance in this category indicates that students are unlikely to succeed in the next grade or course without significant, ongoing academic intervention. Students in this category do not demonstrate a sufficient understanding of the assessed knowledge and skills.
STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or Above
STAAR Percent at Meets Grade Level
STAAR Percent at Masters Grade Level
STAAR Percent at Met or Exceeded Progress
STAAR Percent Exceeded Progress
Attendance and Postsecondary Readiness
2016-2017 Attendance Rate
Drop Out Rates Dropout Rates 0.4% 0.1% 0.0% (Gr. 7-8) State Region District Dropout Rates 2.0% 1.4% 1.2% (Gr. 9-12) State Region District
4 Year Longitudinal Rate Class of 2016 State Region Brazos Graduated 89.1% 89.9% 95.1% Received GED 0.5% 1.1% 0% Continued HS 4.2% 3.7% 1.6% Dropped Out 6.2% 5.3% 3.3%
2015 College and Career Ready Graduates
Advanced Course/Dual Credit Course Completion
Class of 2016 SAT/ACT Results
Average ACT Score
Texas High School Graduate Yr 2015 Enrolled in Texas Public or Independent Higher Education in FY 2016 Total Graduates <2.0 2.0-2.49 25.-2.99 3.0-3.49 >3.5 Unknown Four-Year Public 4 Two-Year Public 23 3 7 5 1 Independent Colleges & Univ. 2 Not Trackable 30 Total High School Graduates 60 Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and Texas Education Agency "Not found" graduates have standard ID numbers that were not found in the specified year at Texas higher education institutions. "Not trackable" graduates have non-standard ID numbers that will not find a match at Texas higher education institutions. Includes high schools with more than 25 graduates. If enrollment in public higher education less than 5, the GPA data is omitted
District Profile
District Profile
District Profile
Campus Performance Objectives
Campus Performance Objectives Increase student achievement of at-risk and non at-risk students, including limited English proficient, special education, and economically disadvantaged students. Recruit, develop and retain a highly qualified staff reflective of, and responsive to, the needs of the district’s diverse student body. Maintain a safe and disciplined environment conducive to student learning and employee effectiveness. Ensure that students understand the importance of attending school and completing high school. Enhance communication between district, schools, parents and the community by encouraging parents and community members to actively support the schools. Use technology to enhance learning, communication and organization.
Prairie Harbor Goal 1 All Prairie Harbor Alternative School students will show an increase in academics related to math, reading and writing. Making progress: Increase in student graduation every year, students earn credits through the PLATO program, and are on the minimum graduate plan for the state of Texas. Goal 2 At Prairie Harbor Alternative School 100% of all professional and paraprofessional personnel will meet the definition of "highly qualified" according to No Child Left Behind Completed: All teachers at PHAS are general education certified. We also have 2 ESL and 2 Sp. Ed. Teachers. We are also in the process of hiring a special education paraprofessional to assist with our special education population. Goal 3 All internal and external threats to the safety of students, staff, and patrons during the school year will be mitigated appropriately and according to training so that no one is seriously harmed. Making Progress: Teacher classrooms are sterile so that students are not able to gain access to items that they could harm themselves with. The campus is not accessible to the general public. All access is through lock doors.
Goal 4 ATTENDANCE - Improve student attendance to 97% district-wide. Making Progress: Improved attendance taking measures for teachers for 2017-2018 school year with the use of google docs. Also, increased communication with the Prairie Harbor Residential House to obtain doctor notes. Goal 5 Continue to enhance and increase parent involvement as it relates to positive academic achievement. Involvement to be measured by annual evaluation of parent involvement opportunities by parents; by active participation in parent trainings; and parent involvement activities offered throughout the year. Making Progress: Increase attendance at ARDS with case workers, advocates, attorneys and parents. Monthly communication with probation officers and case workers Goal 6 Infuse technology into engaging teaching and learning experiences which foster authentic learning that will be relevant to students in the 21st century. Completed: Students use technology on a daily basis and use it in their learning every day.
Campus Progress Professional Development: Increase Student Achievement: A homework assistance and tutorial time has been created (BES) Analyzed programs for effectiveness and streamlined them for PK-5 (BES) Currently looking at student progress and results to evaluate the effectiveness of various program currently in use: (ALL) Professional Development: Currently analyzing strengths and weakness of teachers and student data to develop a professional development plan for staff (ALL) Safe Schools: Provide suicide awareness, bullying awareness and prevention, mental health awareness programs (ALL) Ongoing: routinely analyze our emergency procedures for effectiveness and necessary changes (ALL) CPR- Currently working on having all high school students CPR trained and added the CPR training to 8th grade health classes (BHS BMS)
Attendance and Completion of School: Provide assistance and support to parents with accessing gradebook (ALL) Increase attendance awareness through notes and phone calls, providing afterschool and Saturday school for make-up time. (ALL) Parent Involvement: Increased the social media notifications and news (ALL) Meet the Teacher (ALL) Curriculum Nights (BES) Implemented Latino Family Literacy Project (BES) Technology Integration: Teachers attended Google Certification training (BHS) Increased Chrome Books for CTE Classes (BHS) Increased amount of Mimo Boards at BES Working on increasing 1 to 1 devices (ALL) Need to add tablets to BES
Report On Violent Or Criminal Incidents
TSDS PEIMS STUDENT DISCIPLINARY ACTION INCIDENT COUNTS Conduct Punishable As A Felony 1 Possessed, Sold, Used, Or Was Under The Influence Of Marihuana Or Other Controlled Substance 3 Conduct Occurring Off Campus And While Student Is Not In Attendance For Felony Offenses In Title 5 2 Possessed, Purchased, Used, or Accepted a Cigarette Or Tobacco Product Serious Misbehavior while expelled to/placed in a DAEP Fighting Mutual Combat Used, Exhibited, Or Possessed A Prohibited Weapon Under Penal Code §46.05 – TEC §37.007(a)(1)(D) BES BMS BHS PHAS ***A total of 59 disciplinary action codes are listed in PEIMS. Additional codes not listed did not have any reported incidents.
Summary of Information Strengths: Social Studies percent of students reaching Masters Grade Level Comparable to state and region in all subject areas Areas of improvement: Writing Scores in All areas Increase passing rates for Special Education and English Language Learner Students Level of Students Reaching Masters Grade Level