Unit 2 Week 2 Abraham Lincoln Writing Conventions
Day 1 Abraham Lincoln Writing Conventions
Conventions Journals Imagine that you could drive a car. Where would you go? What would you do? October 5, 2015 Dear Journal, If I could drive a car, __________________ __________________________________________
Conventions Proper Nouns
Day 2 Abraham Lincoln Writing Conventions
Conventions Journals If you could meet any celebrity, who would you meet? What would you talk to him/her about? October 6, 2015 Dear Journal, If I could meet _____________, I would __ __________________________________________
Conventions Proper Nouns
Conventions Complete the chart.
On Your Own Page 115 Conventions Proper Nouns
Day 3 Abraham Lincoln Writing Conventions
Conventions Proper Nouns
Add proper nouns to the list. Conventions Add proper nouns to the list.
Add proper nouns to complete the sentences. Conventions Add proper nouns to complete the sentences.
Day 4 Abraham Lincoln Writing Conventions
Conventions Journals Imagine that one year, summer doesn’t end. The weather stays warm right through December, January, and February! How would your life be different? October 8, 2015 Dear Journal, If we could have summer weather all year, I would ___________________________________.
Conventions Proper Nouns
Page 120 Conventions Proper Nouns
Page 120 Conventions Proper Nouns
Day 5 Abraham Lincoln Writing Conventions
Conventions Journals Imagine that you and a friend have the opportunity to eat lunch with President Obama. What would you eat? What would you talk about? October 9, 2015 Dear Journal, If I had the opportunity to eat lunch with President Obama, _________________________.
Conventions Proper Nouns
Quiz Conventions