The United States of America
The National Anthem: The Star Spangled Banner
The United States of America Declaration of independance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
The United States of America Discovered in 1492 by Columbus, who was looking for India. That’s why he called the people Indians. 1776: The US was founded and started with only 13 states.
The United States of America 1861 – 1865: American Civil War President Lincoln (1860) wanted the South to stop the slavery, so the South started a war against the North. 620,000 soldiers died. The North won and slavery was ended.
The United States of America 1950: America gets a new flag. 50 stars and 13 stripes. Why do you think there are 50 stars and 13 stripes?
The Presidents The people choose the president. Can you name a few presidents?
Famous presidents George Washington (1st) Abraham Lincoln (murdered) John F. Kennedy (murdered) Richard Nixon (resigned) Bill Clinton George W. Bush Barack Obama Who is next?
Election 2012 Mitt Romney (1947) Republican Barack Obama (1961) Democrate
Two parties Democrates (Obama) Republicans (Romney) Liberal Centre-left 1830 Republicans (Romney) Conservative Centre-right 1854
How to choose a president? Electoral votes (540) 270 needed to win Most votes = all votes
And the winner was….? In 2008, elected as president of the United States was……?
Tussenstand 2012