THE NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Dolores Esposito, Executive Superintendent of Leadership Developing Social and Emotional Skills in our Schools November 17, 2017
Chancellor’s Vision for Equity, Excellence and Empathy “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” – Victor E. Frankl Theory of Action: Invest in an integrated, constructive-developmental leadership approach to emotional intelligence and social emotional learning in order to cultivate responsive, 21st century school communities through the lens of equity, excellence and empathy.
“Building and Sustaining Leaders from Within” 2016-17 LEADERSHIP FRAMEWORK for NYC SUPERINTENDENTS (based on the Framework for Great Schools) Mission “Building and Sustaining Leaders from Within” Superintendent leadership is critical to school improvement and 21st Century Learning that will enable all students to be College and Career Ready, and participate as productive, critical thinking citizens. In order to best support schools in facilitating standards based teaching & learning and effective supervision, instructional leaders must be able to communicate expectations clearly, provide a safe environment and foster an inclusive culture that promotes family engagement. Superintendents must also provide necessary guidance, tools, knowledge and resources to ensure that principals and teachers have time to learn, plan and collaborate in meaningful ways to effectively improve students’ academic and social emotional growth. Goals To Increase the Leadership Capacity of Superintendents in three areas: 1. Promote Instructional Coherence by improving leadership practices with a focus on the instructional core 2. Embrace a Systems Thinking Approach by developing practices and dispositions that cultivate and sustain high quality, emotionally intelligent leaders (Influence Policies & Governance and Management of Resources) 3. Foster a Culture of Collaboration, Innovation and Advocacy by capitalizing on shared decision making to enhance partnerships that support equity, excellence and empathy. Year-long Outcomes Over the course of the year, participants will continue to… Support and supervise schools in aligning resources, CCLS aligned instructional practices and curricula, central and borough initiatives, and help build a shared understanding of expectations and standards Deepen their understanding of instructional supervision and reflection integrating current national and local leadership standards Deepen the instructional leadership skills of their teams and principals to facilitate growth and professional learning across schools (differentiation) Motivate and support educators to continue the difficult work of transforming instruction to meet the expectations of the CCLS in a safe and inclusive environment Develop standards based leadership competencies and tools that support the work of superintendents Develop, implement and refine an action plan with coherent, goals and instructional priorities for improvement (DCEP, QR, PPO, PIP and qualitative data) Improve leadership& teaching practices and student outcomes Engage in “collegial inquiry” and explore high leverage strategies for school improvement to sustain high quality teaching and learning (LCI, TC, Harvard, and Yale) Strengthen family engagement and shared decision making in order to provide equity of voice to all stakeholders Key Components A blend of theory and practice by incorporating leadership standards in action Introduction to leadership competencies that focus on instruction, equity, systems thinking, emotional intelligence and a growth mindset Use of blended coaching and supervisory strategies Use of strategic lenses for planning, instruction, assessment, evaluation and reflection Choice of Learning Series to consider new ways of structuring resources and time for team building, collaboration, professional learning and reflection Field shadowing/coaching/ peer-mentoring / teaming /school visits / keynote speakers Focus groups/ study groups use of professional literature
Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts and Systems