University Senate
Welcome to the Senate! Congratulations on your recent election to the Senate. You are now a part of the most influential governing bodies on campus. The Senate Chair and the Senate Office look forward to working with you!
University Senate What is the University Senate? The Senate is one of the largest and most powerful governing bodies on campus. It provides an opportunity for faculty, staff, students, and administrators to participate in shared governance. The Senate works closely with the administration as “partners”. The Senate follows Robert’s Rules of Order.
University Senate Senate Org Chart
University Senate Who’s on the Senate? ~100 Faculty senators from various colleges Each college is apportioned a number of faculty senators based on number of total faculty 22 Staff Elected according to various categories (1 EAM, 10 Professional, 3 Clerical/Secretarial, 2 Srvc Mtnc, 2 Skilled Crafts, 3 Tech/ParaProf, 1 Contingent) 23 Undergraduates Each College is apportioned a number of undergrad senators based on number of total undergrads 10 Grad Students Voted at-large No more then 2 grad students from same college Single Member Constituencies Emeritus Faculty, Instructor/Lecturers (FT/PT), Research Faculty, Adjunct & Professors of the Practice, Head Coaches 15 Deans Voting Ex -Officios President, VPs, Chairs & Directors – Non-Voting Ex-O’s
University Senate What does the Senate do? The primary function of the Senate is to advise the University President on any matter or concern, including but not limited to, education, budget, personnel, campus- community, long range plans, facilities, and faculty, staff and student affairs (subject to the limitations imposed by laws or mandates from the University of Maryland System Board of Regents or the Chancellor). This broad charge brings virtually all campus policy matters within the purview of the Senate. The Senate meets on a monthly basis to vote on proposals and other matters as submitted by its committees and constituents.
University Senate What is shared governance? Shared Governance is the practice of faculty, staff, and students coming together to discuss, review, and suggest change to current and new University policies and procedures. Through Shared Governance, all constituents have the opportunity to participate in important decisions regarding the successful operation of our University. Shared Governance is essentially the custom of open and honest communication amongst all constituents.
University Senate When do I start? New Senators will begin their term at the May Senate meeting. Go to the Senate Meeting Schedule to see the exact date this year:
University Senate When & Where are Senate Meetings? Senate meetings are held once a month during the academic semesters. Meetings run from 3:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Senate meetings are all held in the Atrium of the Stamp Student Union (unless otherwise noted). A full schedule of meetings for the academic year can be found at:
University Senate What are my responsibilities as a Senator? Attend Monthly Senate Meetings If you cannot make a meeting or plan to arrive late, send an to for an excused 2 unexcused absences could result in your dismissal from the Senate Review materials prior to each meeting Materials are posted on the Senate website A link to the materials is ed one week prior to each meeting
University Senate When do I get the materials for each meeting? Materials are posted on the Senate website: An with the link to the materials will be sent to all Senators one week prior to each meeting. Senators can view/print the materials through this link.
University Senate What do I do when I get to a Senate Meeting? All Senators must sign-in at the registration table outside the Atrium. You will be given a clicker to use for voting when you register. Light refreshments will be available to all attendees.
University Senate What do I do at Senate Meetings? The Chair will open the floor to discussion on each agenda item You may approach the microphone, state your name, constituency and college if you wish to make a comment You can also introduce a non-senator to speak The Chair will open the voting period on each agenda item You will use your clicker to vote (1: in favor, 2: opposed, 3: abstain)
University Senate Who runs the Senate? The Senate Chair, Chair-Elect, Director, and Parliamentarian oversee the work of the Senate The Senate Chair presides over Senate meetings. Every year, the Senate elects a Chair-Elect who will become the Chair after a year of service. The Senate Director runs the Senate Office and advises the Senate Chair. The Parliamentarian advises the Senate Office and Senate Chair.
University Senate What does the Senate Office do? The Senate Office is the administrative office of the Senate. It is made up of the Director, two Committee Coordinators, and a Coordinator that works with the Senate and Senate Executive Committee (SEC) It oversees the work of the Senate and its committees, conducts elections, and ensures that Senate business is reviewed appropriately. The Senate Office is located in 1100 Marie Mount Hall and can be contacted at or senate-
University Senate Who runs the Senate Meetings? The Senate Chair presides over each Senate meeting. The Parliamentarian & Director are seated next to the Chair and serve an advisory role.
University Senate What do Senators do at Senate meetings? Senators may comment on each piece of legislation being discussed. Senators will vote on approving each piece of legislation.
University Senate Who can speak at Senate Meetings? Senators. Those introduced by Senators. Committee members whose proposal is being presented to the Senate. Ex-Officio members of the Senate.
University Senate How do I speak at a Senate Meeting? The Senate Chair will open the floor to discussion after each proposal is presented. At that time, you can go to one of the microphones in the outside aisles to speak. You must state your name, constituency, and college prior to making your comments.
University Senate How do Senators Vote? Senators will be instructed when to vote by the Senate Chair. Senators use clickers to vote pressing the following keys on the clicker. 1/A if you would like to vote “in favor” 2/B if you would like to vote “opposed” 3/C if you would like to vote “abstain” You can change your vote as many times as you wish until the voting period closes. Results of each vote are displayed on the screen immediately following each vote. Please return your clicker at the end of the meeting.
University Senate What do I do if I can not make a Senate Meeting? You must request an excused absence. Simply send an to stating that you can not attend and Excused absence requests must be submitted by 1 p.m. on the day of the senate meeting.
University Senate How do I get selected for an elected committee? Some of the Senate’s elected committees include the Senate Executive Committee (SEC) & the Committee on Committees. The Senate’s Nominations Committee creates a slate of candidates made up of current/new senators for the various elected committees. Elections are held at the transition meeting in May where new senators are seated. The Senate Chair-Elect is also elected at this meeting.
University Senate Executive Committee Gateway to the Senate Elected each year for a 1 year term at the Transition Meeting Run by Chair of the Senate Consists of 7 faculty, 2 staff, 3 student reps Also includes chair-elect, parliamentarian, director, president’s rep & provost’s rep
University Senate Standing Committees Academic Procedures & Standards (APAS) Campus Affairs General Education Committee Educational Affairs Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Faculty Affairs Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Programs, Curricula, and Courses (PCC) Staff Affairs Student Affairs Student Conduct
University Senate What do Senate committees do? There are 12 Senate committees that cover various areas of the campus including student affairs, educational affairs, campus affairs etc. A complete list can be found at: Much of the Senate's work is completed in the committees, which report to the full Senate periodically throughout the year. They review issues charged to them and then report on their findings directly to the Senate for approval.
University Senate Can Senators serve on Senate committees? YES, all campus constituents can serve as members of senate committees Volunteers are solicited in the end of March. You can volunteer by visiting the Senate website. The Senate’s Committee on Committees will fill vacancies on all committees in May and June. Committee assignments are announced over the summer.
University Senate Who is on the committees? Committee chairs are senators appointed by the Senate Chair You do not have to be a senator to serve on a committee Made up of reps from all constituencies & reps from admin units Faculty/Staff serve 2-year terms & Students serve a 1- year term
University Senate How do I find out what the Senate is working on? The Senate Office maintains a legislation tracking system at Search for past bills Review current bills Shows stages of review and approval Includes links to related documents
University Senate How do I submit an issue for the Senate to review? Any campus constituent may submit an issue for review by the Senate. You can submit a proposal by going to to find: Suggestions to consider when writing a proposal A proposal form A sample proposal