Counseling Department 2017-2018 Counseling Department 1
Meet Your Counselor Mr. Maluski Ms. Collea-Anderson Ms. Furrow Ms. Celaya Meet Your Counselor Mrs. Anaya Mr. Perez Mrs. Lohr Mr. Kanner 2
Counselor-Student Assignments Student Last Name Counselor Room Ext A – CAP Mike Maluski C125 5033 CAR-FER Maria Collea-Anderson E100 5031 FI-HERN Amy Furrow E200 5032 HERR-LOF Rachel Celaya C223 5035 LOG-NORR Jessica Anaya 5037 NORT-R Ozzy Perez 5036 S-TAP Brenda Lohr 5034 TAR-Z Steve Kanner 5030 Career Center Carol Lytle D100 5069
Senior Registration Meeting Counselors will be meeting with you through your English classes beginning January 23. If you are absent and have not met with your counselor before spring break, please make an appointment. It is important to make sure you are registered and on track for graduation.
Credit Checks Check Total credits! You need to have earned at least 16 credits by the end of your junior year in order to be considered a senior. If you have less than this, you will need to take classes outside of the regular school day.
Registration Forms and Information Describes what courses Hamilton offers. Informs you what classes you need to graduate. What classes you need to attend a university
Be prepared to meet with your counselor Be prepared to meet with your counselor. Talk with your parents and get your form signed in the next two weeks. Sample schedule English 12 US/AZ Government & Constitution and Economics 3. Math 4. Science/Elective 5. Elective 6. Elective This slide needs to be re-recorded. Mr. Harvey’s room is now C109a, and we need to delete the part about copying the sentence at the bottom of the form. We aren’t doing that this year.
Advanced performance classes, etc. Some electives require tryouts, teacher approval or may have an application process. Be sure you have permission to be in a class before you sign up for it. Link Crew Peer Facilitator Avid Tutor Read 180 Advanced performance classes, etc.
ATHLETIC LOCKER If you play a sport and are registering for Athletic Locker, please indicate the sport and coach/period if you know it. If you are an athlete and will be taking Athletic Locker, please write in which sport you play and which coach and or period you need to be in if you know. If you aren’t sure, please indicate if you are playing varsity or JV.
Start Working on Your Future Earn College Credit During High School Enroll in Dual Credit & AP Classes Dual Credit classes Dual credit courses require the payment of tuition to the cooperating community college. Dual enrollment credit is earned when the course is taken at a high school in the Chandler school district. AP Credit classes College credit is granted after receiving a high enough score on an AP exam. 10
EVIT EVIT Only for 11th and 12th graders Variety of vocational classes available ½ day at HHS and ½ day at EVIT – Buses available Just write EVIT and the name of the program in your elective choice boxes and complete an EVIT application. Check out EVIT Cosmetology Add: In addition to writing EVIT on your form, please also indicate which program you are applying to. 11
Physical Education (1.0 Credit) and Health (.50 Credit) If you have not completed the PE/Health requirements you must register for the class. It is a graduation requirement. 12
Now that you have chosen your classes….. You need to input your choices into your Infinite Campus Portal! The following pages are step-by-step instructions how to do this. This will be posted on the Hamilton Website.
Log in to your Student portal Parent portal
Click on Course Registration
Click on Course Search Core classes will already be loaded. You only need to select ELECTIVE courses and ALTERNATE courses
Type the name of the class you are looking for. Click GO, then find the class on the list to the right and click it.
Click on Request this Course
Course numbers ending in ‘A’ are 1st semester and ‘B’ indicates 2nd semester. *For year-long courses, be sure to select both.
Continue to select 1st and 2nd semester Electives Zero Hour and Marching Band will be more than a full schedule and you’ll need to put them in as ‘alternate courses’. HHS will move them to the appropriate class period.
A completed schedule is 24/24 units Continue to select at least 2 alternate elective course options.
2 *If you wish to make a change to a core class, fill out the registration form and let the counselors know. If you click on a class in error, or change your mind during the registration window, 1) Click on the class 2) click ‘Drop This Request. 1
Print your request summary Bring your schedule summary and your registration form with you when counselors return to your school. Print your request summary
Please see your counselor Questions? Please see your counselor Counselors will return in 2 weeks to meet with you and finalize your schedule for next year.