The Complete Destinations Platform Unifrog The Complete Destinations Platform Make it easy for your students to find and apply for the best courses and apprenticeships for them.
Intuitive, independent and comprehensive Students can compare side-by-side every post-16 and post-18 opportunity in the UK. You can rank opportunities on lots of factors, like starting salary, distance from home, drop out rate, and weekly study hours. College/Sixth Form Apprenticeships University And much more!
Unifrog helps you to compare colleges and sixth form courses at different levels so you can find what’s suitable for you
Updated every 24hrs, use Unifrog to find Apprenticeships that interest you
You can do an Apprenticeship if you are 16 or older and get great qualifications whilst being paid! There are 3 levels of Apprenticeships available; choose the level that works with the qualifications you already have and what you want your next step to be.
Search Unifrog to find the University courses you like the look of Unifrog will also show you the GCSE grades you need for each course so you know what you need to do now to help yourself in the future
Smart ranking and filtering on every tool enables you to make informed choices
The map on each tool shows you the location of your chosen courses so you can easily compare your travelling distance
The platform makes it easy to record what you're good at, and write CVs and Personal Statements. Teachers can give feedback, and write references.
First time registration with Unifrog When you sign in for the first time, you will use a Form Code which will link you with your Form Tutor.
Complete the Signup page Put your Form Code in here Use an email address that you access regularly. This is often a personal email, not a school one
Every time you login to Unifrog from now on, sign in here If you do forget your password, hit this link to reset
Why do we need your email address? Whenever you complete a shortlist on Unifrog, we will email you the details!
You can start searching for courses and apprenticeships from your dashboard…
…Then start building your profile, ready for application forms and interviews!
We hope you enjoy using Unifrog! Use the help section if you need a guide or want some more information about the tools. If you get stuck, ask your teacher for help, or contact us.