ALBERT EINSTEIN German-American Physicist (scientist). Developed theory of relativity
SIGMUND FREUD Austrian Psychiatrist who studied how/why the brain works Our subconscious mind wants to speak but we typically stop it (FREUDIAN SLIP)
PABLO PICASSO Begins the CUBIST MOVEMENT Abstract ART to show inner emotions Famous interwar painting - Guernica
RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS of 1917 First Revolution – March Revolution – Tsar removed from power. Communists take over 2nd Rev - NOVEMBER REVOLUTION – LENIN takes over. Tsar is KILLED. BOLSHEVIKS take over.
LENIN Leader of the Bolsheviks Overthrew temporary government Established communism and the Soviet Union
STALIN Successor to Lenin Brutal/heavy handed Set up “Five Year Plans” for strength.
5 Year Plans Stalin’s plan to make the Soviet Union strong 1st 5 Year Plan – Successful collectivization and increased production 2nd 5 Year Plan – disaster and causes millions of deaths
Authoritarianism Government is controlled by one person, typically referred to as a dictator
FASCISM Authoritarian government that controls all business Extreme militarism and nationalism Seen in ITALY under Mussolini and SPAIN under Franco
TOTALITARIAN LEADERS (Total control) Totalitarianism – exists under conditions where the government takes total, centralized, state control over every aspect of public and private life Mussolini – ITALY Hitler – GERMANY Hirohito – JAPAN Stalin – SOVIET UNION (USSR) Police state – strict enforcement of totalitarian state
Sun Yat Sen Nationalist leader in China Established the Chinese Republic in 1911 Wanted to Modernize China
Mustafa Kemal ATATURK Nationalist leader of Turkey Knows as the “Father of the Turks” (aka Ataturk) Wanted to Modernize Turkey
Mohandas Gandhi Nationalist leader of India Freed India from British rule Utilized non-violence and civil disobedience Civil Disobedience = Refusal to obey unjust laws
TOTALITARIANISM/POLICE STATE Type of governments during World War II Era where leaders had complete control Disobeying government often resulted in death
Did these factors contribute to World War II?
What events from World War I contributed to the bad political climate between the wars?