Chapter 14 Fluids
Fluids Fluids (Ch. 6) – substances that can flow (gases, liquids) Fluids conform with the boundaries of any container in which they are placed Fluids lack orderly long-range arrangement of atoms and molecules they consist of Fluids can be compressible and incompressible
Density and pressure Density SI unit of density: kg/m3 Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) Density and pressure Density SI unit of density: kg/m3 Pressure (cf. Ch. 12) SI unit of pressure: N/m2 = Pa (pascal) Pressure is a scalar – at a given point in a fluid the measured force is the same in all directions For a uniform force on a flat area
Fluids at rest For a fluid at rest (static equilibrium) the pressure is called hydrostatic For a horizontal-base cylindrical water sample in a container
Fluids at rest The hydrostatic pressure at a point in a fluid depends on the depth of that point but not on any horizontal dimension of the fluid or its container Difference between an absolute pressure and an atmospheric pressure is called the gauge pressure
Chapter 14 Problem 17
Measuring pressure Mercury barometer Open-tube manometer
Pascal’s principle Pascal’s principle: A change in the pressure applied to an enclosed incompressible fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and to the walls of its container Hydraulic lever With a hydraulic lever, a given force applied over a given distance can be transformed to a greater force applied over a smaller distance
Archimedes’ principle of Syracuse (287-212 BCE) Archimedes’ principle Buoyant force: For imaginary void in a fluid p at the bottom > p at the top Archimedes’ principle: when a body is submerged in a fluid, a buoyant force from the surrounding fluid acts on the body. The force is directed upward and has a magnitude equal to the weight of the fluid that has been displaced by the body
Archimedes’ principle Sinking: Floating: Apparent weight: If the object is floating at the surface of a fluid, the magnitude of the buoyant force (equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body) is equal to the magnitude of the gravitational force on the body
Chapter 14 Problem 38
Motion of ideal fluids Flow of an ideal fluid: Steady (laminar) – the velocity of the moving fluid at any fixed point does not change with time (either in magnitude or direction) Incompressible – density is constant and uniform Nonviscous – the fluid experiences no drag force Irrotational – in this flow the test body will not rotate about its center of mass
Equation of continuity Equation of continuity For a steady flow of an ideal fluid through a tube with varying cross-section Equation of continuity
Bernoulli’s equation For a steady flow of an ideal fluid: Daniel Bernoulli (1700 - 1782) Bernoulli’s equation For a steady flow of an ideal fluid: Kinetic energy Gravitational potential energy Internal (“pressure”) energy
Bernoulli’s equation Total energy
Chapter 14 Problem 54
Answers to the even-numbered problems Chapter 14: Problem 2 18 N
Answers to the even-numbered problems Chapter 14: Problem 12 −2.6 × 104 Pa
Answers to the even-numbered problems Chapter 14: Problem 22 fA/a; (b) 103 N
Answers to the even-numbered problems Chapter 14: Problem 24 35.6 kN; (b) yes, decreases by 0.330 m3
Answers to the even-numbered problems Chapter 14: Problem 42 4.0 m