Cold War Thaws Soviet Union to Today..


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Presentation transcript:

Cold War Thaws Soviet Union to Today.

Russian Leaders After Stalin! 2. Khruschev (1953 –1964) Eliminated KGB “de-Stalinization” Peaceful coexistence Cold War 1956 – crushed Hungarian Revolution 1961 –built Berlin Wall 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis

3. Brezhnev (1964 – 1982) Repression of Human Rights “Re-Stalinization” 1968-sent Russian troops to Czechoslovakia Brezhnev Doctrine 1972 – SALT I signed, Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty 1979 – Afghanistan Invasion – their Vietnam

Solidarity, a labor union in Poland was formed Solidarity, a labor union in Poland was formed. Demanded end of Communist power in Poland. Martial law (strict military rule) declared in Poland. Stalemate reached. Polish leader, Lech Walesa, is awarded Nobel peace Prize for efforts in Poland. Suppression of human rights continues until 1988.

1989 – Solidarity regains power 1990 – Lech Walesa is elected President 1980 Carter imposes a grain embargo and USA boycotts Olympic Games in Moscow.

5. Andropov (1982 – 1984) 1983 – Korean Airline shot down by soviet plane and 269 killed. 6. Chernenko (1984 –1985) Led Soviet boycott of L.A. Olympic games

Gorbachev (1985 – 1993) Reformer, 2nd Russian Revolution SOCIAL : Glasnost: a policy of greater openness, greater freedom of speech and press, within the Soviet Union as well as foreign openness.

POLITICAL: Democratization: people given voice in gov’t other political parties allowed. ECONOMIC: Perestroika: restructuring of Soviet economy and society. – allowed some private ownership in business.

Dissidents, those speaking out against the Soviet regime, were released from prison. Rise of nationalism created tensions in Soviet Union. Soviet Union included 15 republics as well as 120 ethnic groups. 1990: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia demanded independence. Other Republics followed their lead. 1991 – Coup against Gorbachev failed. In the Russian republic, President Boris Yeltsin denounced the Coup. Gorbachev returned to power.

12/91 – it was evident that the Soviet Union ceased to be 12/91 – it was evident that the Soviet Union ceased to be. The republic joined together in a Commonwealth of Independent States; 12/25/91- Gorbachev resigned as President of the Soviet Union. This Commonwealth is a union of equal Republics with Russia playing the leading role. Russia has control of the nuclear arsenal and the Russian republic controls the Soviet Union’s former seat in the UN Security Council. Vladimir Putin, former KGB, (2000) became president. Today he is prime minister.