Limbrick News Date: 17th November 2017 Latest news: Our cross country team competed at Allesley Hall Primary School this week and were a credit to our school. Well done to all who took part. Special mention certificates were awarded to: Yr 1 - Harmony Yr 2 – Logan Yr 3 – Whole class Yr 4 – Logan G Yr 5 – Shanna Yr 6 – Katie-Ann & Mark “Children in Need” on Friday 17th November: Thank you for your generous support for this charity today. Home Reading Reminder: It is vitally important that you support your child’s learning by listening to them read for at least ten minutes a day, every day. Please remember to sign their reading diary so that teachers are aware of all the home reading taking place. Class photographs: There are several class photographs left over from the summer which are available to buy. They are of last year’s Reception and Year 6 classes so they are now in Year 1 and Year 7. They are available to buy from the school office for £1.50. Nasal Flu Vaccine for YR, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 children. This will take place on Tuesday 21st November. Consent forms were sent out on Monday 30th October. Please return the form even if you do not wish your child to have the immunisation. Thank you
Limbrick News Diary dates: Tuesday 21st November – Nasal flu vaccine for Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 Thursday 30th November – YR, Y1 & Y2 – trip to Warwick Arts Centre Monday 4th to Thursday 7th December – Half price Scholastic book fair Wednesday 13th December – Dance showcase, Y1, Y2 & Y3 at 9.15am Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas dinner Tuesday 19th December – Lights, Camel, Action......It’s Strictly the Nativity, YR –Y6, 9.15am Wednesday 20th December – Lights, Camel, Action .......It’s Strictly the Nativity, YR –Y6, 9.15am Thursday 21st December – last day of term Free School Meals- are you entitled? Did you know that if your child is entitled to free school meals the school receives additional funding? If parents wish to apply for school meals or want to check if you are eligible please go to the following website Alternatively, parents can visit the Contact Centre in the city centre (next to River Island) where you can make an application. If you need any support or guidance with this, please contact the school office. Please note: Free school meal eligibility is different to the Universal Free School meals that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to. Letters this week: None this week. New Faces: None this week. Costs: Dinner money: £2.20 per day £11.00 per week School Uniform: School Coats - £16.00 Fleeces - £13.50 Sweatshirts – £8.00 / £9.50 (depending on size) Book bags – £4.00 Pump bags – £4.00 Breakfast Club: £ 2.00 Per day After School Club: £ 5.50 Per day Attendance and Punctuality: The percentage attendance for each class, for last week, is shown below: Nursery 94.4% Reception 95.2% Year 1 100.0% Year 2 95.7% Year 3 92.3% Year 4 95.7% Year 5 95.0% Year 6 95.9% Total 95.5% Please ensure your children arrive at school on time. The bell goes at 8.55am. Children need to arrive at school between 8.45am and 8.55am, in order to undertake early morning work. Therefore we will continue to record poor punctuality. If children arrive after 8.55am, they will be recorded in the late book and their parents/carers will be asked to sign the late book and record the reason why.