Developments in Fora of Importance for the Mandate of FAO FAO Council, Hundred and Forty-seventh Session Rome, 24 June 2013 Developments in Fora of Importance for the Mandate of FAO NUTRITION FOR GROWTH beating hunger through business and science London, June 8, 2013
“Nutrition for Growth” Event Governments, businesses & ONG met in London on June 8th Followed on the Hunger Summit organized by the UK and Brazilian Governments during the 2012 London Olympics Where FAO showcased the innovative work on monitoring food insecurity Global Nutrition for Growth Compact: historic pledge to end under-nutrition in our lifetime With the following targets to be achieved by 2020: Ensure that at least 500 million pregnant women and children <2 are reached with effective nutrition interventions Reduce the number of stunted children < 5 by at least 20 million Save the lives of at least 1.7 million children < 5 by preventing stunting, increasing breastfeeding and treatment of severe acute malnutrition
Commitments Donors and development agencies committed to support countries in scaling up national nutrition plans mobilizing and aligning international resources, empowering country-led coordination arrangements promoting South-South knowledge sharing and technical assistance FAO commitments: To enhancing nutrition in all aspects of its work To locate additional staff resources outside HQ to better respond to country needs From 2014 onwards, to monitor and report on nutrition related outcomes against the new FAO Strategic Objective 1 To continue to support countries in adopting evidence-based nutrition programs Through the UN System High-Level Task Force on Global Food Security (HLTF) to mobilize the UN System to meet the goals of the UN Secretary General’s Zero Hunger Challenge To improve measurement of food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition
Voices of the Hungry How to improve food security monitoring Food Insecurity Experience Scale Building on existing experiences USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) Household Hunger Scale (HHS) Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale (ELCSA) Low food insecurity High food insecurity Worries about being able to procure food Compromising quality and/or variety Reducing quantities skipping meals Suffering from hunger
Voices of the Hungry How to improve food security monitoring Annual global survey of food insecurity through the Gallup World Poll in 150+ countries starting in 2014 The GWP gathers information on people’s socio-economic conditions, social participation, health, etc. since 2005 in more than 150 countries Based on sound methods for sampling, data collection Low cost compared to potential alternatives Piloted in Angola, Ethiopia, Malawi, Niger in 2013 Linguistic and cultural adaptation of the questionnaire Development of data processing and scoring routines Estimate benchmark values to monitor progress in the Renewed Partnership to End Hunger in Africa
Towards a new ambitious goal on food & nutrition security Report of the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the post-2015 Development Agenda A food and nutrition specific goal, with 5 elements, inspired by the UN SG’s Zero Hunger Challenge: End hunger and protect the right of everyone to have access to sufficient, safe, affordable, nutritious food Eliminate stunting, wasting, anaemia for all children under five Double agricultural incomes and productivity Adopt sustainable agriculture and fisheries Reduce post-harvest food waste and losses A call for a “data revolution” for sustainable development, with new international initiatives to improve the quality of statistics and information available to citizens