Fighting the Persian Wars


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Presentation transcript:

Fighting the Persian Wars Name:______________________ Color:__________ Date:__________ Chapter 28: Study Guide Fighting the Persian Wars King Darius isolated taxes/tribute Miletus revenge Miltiades Egypt infantry united traitor Hellespont Leonidas burned laws Themistocles cavalry religion Marathon Asia Minor waterways secret pass trade routes Xerxes army threats Pheidippides secret message India phalanx Sparta resources/wealth language Platea Using the word bank, choose the correct answer to fill in the blank. The Persian Empire was ruled by _____________ _______________ who conquered _________ _________, _____________, ______________, Arabia, and the Caspian Sea! Persian rule was relatively fair, conquered people could keep their own ______________, ______________, and __________________________ Unlike Persia, Greece had hundreds of _________________ city-states. Persia continued to conquer land to gain more __________________, _________ _____________, and more power!! In the quest for more land, the Persian Empire took over Ionian farmland and harbors, and forced them to serve in the Persian ______________ and pay ____________________ The Persians punished the Ionians for revolting by burning the holy city of _______________ to the ground. Darius was furious with the Athenians for helping the Ionians revolt and decided to attack Greece because he wanted ___________________________! Darius sent a large army of _____________, or foot soldiers, and _______________ ,or soldiers on horseback, across the Aegean Sea by boat to attack Greece. Athenian general, Miltiades, convinced the Athenians that it was vital to fight the Persians on the plain at ___________________, before the Persians could reach Athens. ________________ refused to send aid to Marathon because they were in the middle of a religious festival. The Battle of Marathon was won by a brilliant general named ______________________, whose clever military strategy to surround the Persian soldiers utilized the _______________, a Greek battle formation, to over power the Persian soldiers. ___________________________ ran back to Athens to announce the Greek victory, and then died from exhaustion as soon as he arrived!

Years later, Xerxes the new King of Persia, planned another attack on Greece and he chose to cross the ________________________, a narrow sea channel between Europe and Asia. Spartan King ________________and Persian King _________________fought in the battle of Thermopylae Please circle who won. The Spartans fought to the death at Thermopylae, but after a Greek _______________ showed the Persians a __________ _____________, the Persians surrounded the Greeks and won. After Thermopylae, the Persians continued onto Athens and ________________ it to the ground. The Athenian Naval General ___________________ had a plan to trick Xerxes and sent him a ___________ _________________. The Greeks won the Battle of Salamis because of their knowledge of the _________________________, and had more easily maneuverable ships. The Battle of ______________________ ended the Persian Wars. To fight the Persians, Athens and Sparta eventually __________________ together to fight against a common enemy. The victories in the Persian wars preserved the Greeks’ independence and ended any future ________________ from the Persian Empire. Open response : Answer each question in at least TWO COMPLETE sentences Explain two factors enabled the Athenians to win the Battle of Marathon? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why was the location of Thermopylae beneficial to the Spartans? Why were they ultimately unsuccessful here? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why did Themistocles want to fight the Persian navy at Salamis? Then describe the outcome of the Battle of Salamis. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18 pt font

Fighting the Persian Wars Name:______________________ Color:__________ Date:__________ Chapter 28: Study Guide Fighting the Persian Wars King Darius isolated resources/wealth India phalanx Miltiades Egypt language Platea Hellespont Leonidas taxes/tribute Miletus revenge cavalry religion infantry united traitor secret pass trade routes burned laws Themistocles Pheidippides secret message Marathon Asia Minor waterways Sparta Xerxes army threats Using the word bank, choose the correct answer to fill in the blank. The Persian Empire was ruled by _____________ _______________ who conquered _________ _________, _____________, ______________, Arabia, and the Caspian Sea! Persian rule was relatively fair, conquered people could keep their own ______________, ______________, and __________________________ Unlike Persia, Greece had hundreds of _________________ city-states. Persia continued to conquer land to gain more __________________, _________ _____________, and more power!! In the quest for more land, the Persian Empire took over Ionian farmland and harbors, and forced them to serve in the Persian ______________ and pay ____________________

The Persians punished the Ionians for revolting by burning the holy city of _______________ to the ground. Darius was furious with the Athenians for helping the Ionians revolt and decided to attack Greece because he wanted ___________________________! Darius sent a large army of _____________, or foot soldiers, and _______________ ,or soldiers on horseback, across the Aegean Sea by boat to attack Greece. Athenian general, Miltiades, convinced the Athenians that it was vital to fight the Persians on the plain at ___________________, before the Persians could reach Athens. ________________ refused to send aid to Marathon because they were in the middle of a religious festival. The Battle of Marathon was won by a brilliant general named ______________________, whose clever military strategy to surround the Persian soldiers utilized the _______________, a Greek battle formation, to over power the Persian soldiers. ___________________________ ran back to Athens to announce the Greek victory, and then died from exhaustion as soon as he arrived!

Years later, Xerxes the new King of Persia, planned another attack on Greece and he chose to cross the ________________________, a narrow sea channel between Europe and Asia. Spartan King ________________and Persian King _________________fought in the battle of Thermopylae Please circle who won. The Spartans fought to the death at Thermopylae, but after a Greek _______________ showed the Persians a __________ _____________, the Persians surrounded the Greeks and won. After Thermopylae, the Persians continued onto Athens and ________________ it to the ground. The Athenian Naval General ___________________ had a plan to trick Xerxes and sent him a ___________ _________________. The Greeks won the Battle of Salamis because of their knowledge of the _________________________, and had more easily maneuverable ships. The Battle of ______________________ ended the Persian Wars. To fight the Persians, Athens and Sparta eventually __________________ together to fight against a common enemy. The victories in the Persian wars preserved the Greeks’ independence and ended any future ________________ from the Persian Empire.

Open response : Answer each question in at least TWO COMPLETE sentences Explain two factors enabled the Athenians to win the Battle of Marathon? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why was the location of Thermopylae beneficial to the Spartans? Why were they ultimately unsuccessful here? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why did Themistocles want to fight the Persian navy at Salamis? Then describe the outcome of the Battle of Salamis. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fighting the Persian Wars Name:______________________ Color:__________ Date:__________ Chapter 28: Study Guide Fighting the Persian Wars Event A: The Persian Expansion Complete the chart below Explain why the Persian King Darius desired more land. Event B: The Ionian Revolt Explain why Greece cared about what happened in Ionia. What was the outcome of the Ionian Revolt? Event C: Battle of Marathon Identify the people and places(city-states) involved. Describe what happened at the Battle of Marathon. List and describe the factors that influenced the outcome of the Battle of Marathon

Event D: Battle of Thermopylae Identify the people and places(city-states) involved. Describe how Xerxes got to Greece. List the events of the Battle of Thermopylae List and describe the factors that influenced the outcome of the Battle of Thermopylae. Event E: Battle of Salamis Who is Themistocles? What was his strategy to defeat the Persians? Describe how the Persian navy was ultimately defeated. List and describe the factors that influenced the outcome of the Battle of Salamis. Lasting effects… Explain why the Battle of Platea was important. The most important result of the Persian Wars was… .