Intro to Mixtures Ms. Rowland Ms. Khericha
Color Chromatography You need a beaker for each group (2 people at your table) and a cup of supplies for each table. Fill the beaker with 75 mL of water Wait for further directions.
Definitions, Diagrams, and Examples For each type of substance, you will need to write the definition, draw a diagram, and list examples. Please make your diagrams as detailed as possible.
Heterogeneous Mixture Definition: a mixture where the components of the mixture are not uniform or have localized regions with different properties. You can see the parts that make it up Diagram: Examples: iced tea, salad, tacos
Homogenous Mixture Definition: a mixture where the components that make up the mixture are uniformly distributed throughout the mixture. You can’t see the parts that make it up Diagram: Examples: Kool-Aid Homogenized Milk, Blood
Pure Substance Definition: a substance that consists only of one element or compound. It does not contain any other substance in any proportions. Diagram: Examples: gold, silver, water, salt
Chromatography Update! Take your napkin out and lay it flat on the piece of paper your table was given. Go back to the observation part of your notes and write a description for each one (Beaker 1, beaker 2, beaker 3). Make sure you note which ones used the thin marker and which ones used the thick marker. Send someone from your table to put the beakers back and the supply cup on the back counter.
Solute Definition: the substance which dissolves in the solvent to form a solution. Diagram: Examples: sugar or salt stirred into a glass of water
Solvent Definition: the substance in which the solute dissolves to form the solution. Diagram: Examples: water, ethanol, acetone (anything that will dissolve other materials)
Activity You will be taking a gallery walk around the classroom. You will be given a sheet of paper where you will label what the item is, whether it is a heterogeneous mixture, homogeneous mixture, a pure substance, a solute or a solvent. After 10 minutes we will discuss what each item is.