Southeast Asia “Web quest” Day 2 Take out your standard sheet and notebook… SS7G10.A - Describe the causes and effects of pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers. Bell-Ringer – What does R.E.D. stand for? What are some of the common area expectations?
The Ganges River
The Ganges River River begins high in the Himalayan Mountains and flows 1600 miles through India and Bangladesh to the Bay of Bengal. The water of the Ganges is sacred to the people of India. Reasons for Pollution: Chemical fertilizers, human waste, decomposing bodies, cremated remains, and animal waste. Water-borne diseases found in the Ganges: acute gastrointestinal disease, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis-A, and typhoid. Sewage and water treatment plants have been built along the river, but the growing population of India and the run-off from industrial and farm production have hampered clean up efforts.
The Yangtze (Chang Jiang) River
The Yangtze (Chang Jiang) River China’s longest river, flows almost 4,000 miles from the northwestern part of the country to the East China Sea. Millions of gallons of sewage are dumped into the river along with chemicals from agricultural runoff and industrial waste. Plant species and animals that once lived in the river are disappearing. Contaminated fish are caught and eaten by the Chinese people. China is building more water treatment plants and facilities to remove the contaminates from the river.
General “Web Quest” Info You have until Monday to complete the “web quest.” This is a quiz grade (30% of grade), so as long as you are working on it in class it should be an easy grade boost. Do NOT write on or destroy the articles given to you. The “web quest” will have numbers on each page which relate to the article number where you can find the answers. If asked to answer a question, you must answer it in COMPLETE SENTENCES. Every day at the end of the period, you will hand in what you have completed (cannot take home).
Standards Sheet This will be handed in at the end of class on Monday as well. Each page on the “web quest” has different standards that you will find. After you have completed the pages with that standard on the “web quest,” you should be able to complete the standards sheet. All you have to do is find the standard and then a.) write the standard in your own words, and b.) answer the standard (cannot do for SS7G9.B & SS7G9.A).
Rules During “Web Quest” Since this is a quiz grade, you are working on this by yourself and there is absolutely NO TALKING once we begin the “web quest.” You are to work hard because you cannot do this at home and whatever you have finished on Monday is your grade. If you need to get up for any reason, raise your hand.
Closing How far did you make it in the “web quest?” What did you learn today in the “web quest?”