5 Major World Religions
The Big 5 Hinduism Buddhism Islam Judaism Christianity
Vocabulary Monotheism = 1 god Polytheism = many gods
Hinduism Oldest World Religion No single founder Worship many gods
Major Belief – Reincarnation Rebirth of the soul in many forms
Major Belief - Karma All good and bad actions affect your fate (Present life is the result of past actions) You can improve your position in the next life by how you act in this life.
Buddhism 563 BC Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born. He grew up wealthy in a palace. Once he left town he saw real suffering. Wants to end all pain and suffering, mediates for 47 days and becomes Buddha. Buddha – enlightened one
4 Noble Truths 1. Suffering is universal 2. Cause of pain is desires (wanted to be rich, beautiful, etc.) 3. To end suffering crush desires 4. Way to end desires is to follow the Noble Path
Ultimate Goal – NIRVANA (total peace) To reach a place of NIRVANA – peace, happiness, enlightenment, to want nothing 2 types of Buddhists – one believes Buddha is a god, the other believes he is a teacher
Islam Began Middle East 600 AD Founder was an orphan named Muhammad Believed he had heard the voice of god and becomes a prophet
5 Pillars of Islam 1. Pray to one god 2. Pray 5 times a day 3. Give to the poor and old. 4. Fast during the holy month of Ramadan (9th month, June 2016) 5. make a “pilgrimage” to Mecca in the Middle East
Worship in a Mosque (noon on Fridays) Koran is the religious book Modesty is extremely important
Judaism Started in 1800 BC Founder - Moses Old Testament of the Bible Jesus is only a prophet (wise teacher)
CHRISTIANITY Began in Palestine with Jesus Jesus begins teaching at age 30 about God’s goodness, says he is the song of the one God Crucified at age 33 (33 A.D.)
Teachings of Christianity 1. Belief in One God who is loving and forgiving 2. Be compassionate and love all people. 3. The Trinity – God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit 3. Be rewarded with eternal life for belief in Jesus and following the teachings of the Bible