Knowledge & Understanding of the world Mathematical world This half term we will be focusing our learning in maths on: Negative numbers Negative numbers in context Roman Numerals Rounding numbers (up to 5 digits) Rounding numbers to estimate answers Solving compact addition and subtraction Using knowledge to solve addition and subtraction problems Multiply 4d by 2d numbers using a compact method Divide 4d by 1d numbers Solve problems involving multiplication and division Calculate area and perimeter of rectangles and irregular shapes Plot coordinates in 4 quadrants Translate and reflect coordinates Recognise properties of 2d shapes In addition to all of this we will continue to work towards our times table awards so the learning at home and practice of times table skills is vital. World of Technology ICT: This half term will be learning all about computer programming. We will begin by exploring a range of Apps, games and systems which require knowledge of what a programme is. We will move onto understanding the basic language of code. This work will be completed on both Computer and i-Pad. The World of Worlds English: Spelling – This half term we will be using brand new spelling journals. We will be working hard on spelling the year 5 words and reviewing key letter strings throughout. Punctuation – review and use of all punctuation and developing understanding of brackets and dash use. Reading and writing – Fractured Fairy Tales (well known tales but giving them a twist), Discussion and Poetry Handwriting – Review of letter formation and use of consistent, cursive writing – taught through handwriting lessons In Grammar sessions we will be focused on word class as well as how words can be in different classes. We will also be looking at the different parts of sentences. Knowledge & Understanding of the world Science: This half term we will be learning about forces. We will begin by exploring what a force is and how it is measured. Through the rest of the teaching time we will learn about the different forces in our world and how they effect us and support us. We will carry out a range of investigations into the different forces and record data based on our findings. Topic Our topic of North America will run over the whole of the Spring term. We are going to begin by exploring the geography of North America and the 23 different countries which make up this part of the world. We will look at the USA, Mexico, Canada and make comparisons as well as focusing on the flags of these nations and the people who live there. If you have any resources or knowledge which you feel could be helpful, let me know – it is always nice to have a visitor. Creative World Art This half term we will be looking at the work of a variety of artists from North America. We will begin with the work of Andy Warhol and then move onto looking at art from Native American Culture. Children will learn to sketch paint, screen print and work digitally in-order to produce their own creations. These are the areas we have planned to cover in Year 5 this half term. If you wish to help your child with these subjects, please come into school to see us. Year 5 North America The Physical World Outdoor PE: Year 5 will be learning how to play tag rugby. This will involve learning the skills of throwing and catching a rugby ball as well as developing knowledge of strategies for game play. A large part of playing rugby is team work so a large part of the sessions will be focused on developing the team mentality. Our indoor PE will be swimming which will take place every Tuesday until the Whit Holiday. Our World SEAL (Going for Goals): Understand what makes an effective learner Set challenging goals for ourselves Explore how we can support ourselves and other to achieve goals
Thorn Grove Primary School Information & reminders for parents: Dear Parents, Well what a 1st term we have had! The children have been excellent and I know that they have all worked so hard. I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday and that you found some time for family and to take a well earned rest. This term is going to be busy. We are beginning our new topic which is all about North America – I know the children are excited. We are going to begin by looking at the geography and completing country comparisons, then we will be moving on to exploring natural disasters and with this in mind exploring why lots of people live in areas where these catastrophes can happen. If you have any resources which could help (holiday pics are a great source) or you are a wealth of knowledge on this region, please come and see me as I love to have visitors in school to share their experiences first hand. A few reminders: Reading is of huge importance! Children have a reading book (banded to their level, if they need one!) and they are also reading for pleasure through our Thorn Grove Passport Challenge. Please make sure that they are taking some time each night to enjoy the world of books. Any discussion you could have with them regarding their reading is much appreciated. Spellings will be handed out weekly and tested the following week on a Friday. Home work is still being set on a weekly basis. It will always consist of a maths, literacy and spellings (which are compulsory). In addition, there will be electronic work set on Mymaths. Don’t forget to raise your time on Rockstars! If you have any questions please feel free to see contact me at any time. M. Godwin Year 5 Newsletter Thorn Grove Primary School