J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Eastern Region PPL Electric Utilities Allegheny Power Baltimore Gas & Electric Energy East Potomac Electric Power Company Conectiv Duquesne Light FirstEnergy-East Northeast Utilities Public Service Electric and Gas EASTERN REGION AVERAGE Exelon-PECO NSTAR Electric National Grid USA Con Edison Long Island Power Authority Source: J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Charts and graphs extracted from this press release must be accompanied by a statement identifying J.D. Power and Associates as the publisher and the J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM as the source. No advertising or other promotional use can be made of the information in this release or J.D. Power and Associates survey results without the express prior written consent of J.D. Power and Associates.
J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Midwestern Region LG&E Energy MidAmerican Energy Xcel Energy-Midwest Cinergy Ameren AEP-Midwest Alliant Energy Consumers Energy Kansas City Power & Light Illinois Power MIDWESTERN REGION AVERAGE We Energies FirstEnergy-Midwest Detroit Edison Dayton Power and Light Exelon-ComEd Westar Energy Source: J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Charts and graphs extracted from this press release must be accompanied by a statement identifying J.D. Power and Associates as the publisher and the J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM as the source. No advertising or other promotional use can be made of the information in this release or J.D. Power and Associates survey results without the express prior written consent of J.D. Power and Associates.
J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Southern Region Southern Company City Public Service of San Antonio Florida Power & Light Progress Energy South Carolina Electric & Gas Dominion Virginia Power Oklahoma Gas and Electric SOUTHERN REGION AVERAGE Duke Power TXU Energy Entergy AEP-CSW Reliant Energy Tampa Electric Source: J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Charts and graphs extracted from this press release must be accompanied by a statement identifying J.D. Power and Associates as the publisher and the J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM as the source. No advertising or other promotional use can be made of the information in this release or J.D. Power and Associates survey results without the express prior written consent of J.D. Power and Associates.
J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Western Region Salt River Project Arizona Public Service Sacramento Municipal Utility District Portland General Electric PacifiCorp Puget Sound Energy Southern California Edison L.A. Dept. of Water and Power WESTERN REGION AVERAGE Pacific Gas and Electric Xcel Energy-West San Diego Gas & Electric Sierra Pacific Resources Source: J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Charts and graphs extracted from this press release must be accompanied by a statement identifying J.D. Power and Associates as the publisher and the J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM as the source. No advertising or other promotional use can be made of the information in this release or J.D. Power and Associates survey results without the express prior written consent of J.D. Power and Associates.
Medium-Size Utilities (Between 160,000 and 400,000 Customers) J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Medium-Size Utilities (Between 160,000 and 400,000 Customers) Omaha Public Power District CLECo El Paso Electric Jacksonville Electric Authority Nashville Electric Service Indianapolis Power & Light Colorado Springs Utilities Tucson Electric Power Wisconsin Public Service Austin Energy Seattle City Light Central Hudson Gas & Electric TNP Idaho Power Snohomish County PUD MEDIUM-SIZE UTILITIES AVERAGE Avista Utilities Public Service Co. of New Mexico Aquila United Illuminating Northwestern Energy Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Memphis Light, Gas & Water Source: J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM Charts and graphs extracted from this press release must be accompanied by a statement identifying J.D. Power and Associates as the publisher and the J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM as the source. No advertising or other promotional use can be made of the information in this release or J.D. Power and Associates survey results without the express prior written consent of J.D. Power and Associates.