Chapter 11 Plyometric Training
Learning Outcomes Post presentation goals: Describe Plyometric training and how it works. Understand why plyometric training is important. Create a plyometric training program for various levels of fitness Be able to do and teach multiple forms and exercises of plyometrics. 2
Concepts in Plyometric Training Increases ability to do functional exercise. Increases maximum force output in shorter amounts of time (rate of force production). Directly related to powerful movements.
Utilizing Stretch of Muscles Quick powerful movement with eccentric action followed by explosive concentric movement When muscles are stretched they act similar to a rubber band and rebound energy (think of bench pressing fast and bouncing the bar off of the chest) Eccentric reduction (lowering/preloading phase of squat) followed by concentric production (raising phase of squat) Counter movements
3 Phases Plyometrics can be broken up into 3 phases eccentric (loading) phase amortization (transition) phase Less than 1 second Change of direction at bottom of squat concentric (unloading) phase
What Happens During Plyometric Training Enhancing power, nervous systems communication with muscles, how fast the nervous system sends signals to tell muscles to contract, and to get all muscles to contract at the same time. Training nervous system to fire as fast as possible to project you higher during exercise Plyometric training utilizes the stretch of a muscle to project more force in a concentric contraction.
Determining if Plyometric Training is right for your Client Make sure client has optimal balance, core strength, and coordination. Hold off until postural deviations have been almost completely dealt with 7
Choosing Exercises Exercises must be Done in a safe environment Done with proper footwear (shoes they use in their sport) Performed on a proper training surface Grass, court, track, or surface athletes are used to. Not a tile floor or hard cement surface Progress exercise accordingly 8
Variables Planes of Motion Sagittal Frontal Transverse Equipment Tape (jumping back and forth over tape) Cones (running between or from cone to cone) Boxes (jumping on and off of) Amplitude of Movement 9
Stages of Plyometric Training Three different stages: Stabilization A jump with a stabilization aspect in landing Strength Multiple reps/jumps in a row Power Big powerful movements
Stabilization Phase Plyometrics Not much joint motion with a 3-5 second pause upon landing Helps improve landing mechanics and body control during Plyometric exercise Squat Jump with Stabilization. 11
Strength Phase Plyometrics Continuous eccentric and concentric contractions through full range of motion of movements Repeated Squat Jump without stabilization element 12
Power Phase Plyometrics Complete spectrums of muscle action and contraction speed utilized during functional/athletic movements. Done as fast and as explosive as possible. 13
Putting a Plyometric-Program into Place Beginners Stabilization Level (Phase 1) Select Reactive Stabilization Exercises Advanced to Extremely Advanced Strength Level (Phases 2–4) Select Reactive Strength Exercises Power Level (Phase 5) Select Reactive Power Exercises 14
Program Design Phase Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Stabilization Plyometric 1-3 5-8 Controlled with 3-5 second pause on landing Strength Plyometric strength 0-4 exercises 2-3 Moderate with repeating reps continuously Power Plyometric power As fast as possible 15
Recap After using a plyometric training program one will become more efficient neuromuscular, have increased power production and functional eccentric strength. Clients must be physically ready to perform plyometrics before attempting. Proper core strength, coordination, and balance. Follow systematic progression 16