lavarse REFLEXIVE VERBS Consider the reflexive verb below:


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Presentation transcript:

lavarse REFLEXIVE VERBS Consider the reflexive verb below: The verb has two distinct parts, the infinitive and a reflexive pronoun.

REFLEXIVE VERBS A Reflexive Verb is used to indicate that the subject does something to or for himself or herself. In other words, it “reflects” the action of the verb back to the subject. Ex. Juan se baña. Juan takes a bath. (bathes himself)

REFLEXIVE VERBS Unlike English, Spanish identifies when a subject performs the action for/to himself, herself etc. Once the action is identified as Reflexive, the Spanish sentence must have a reflexive verb. Non-Reflexive Sentence Ella lava los platos. She washes the dishes. Reflexive Sentence She washes before school. Ella se lava antes de escuela.

REFLEXIVE VERBS Reflexive or not? Read each sentence and determine if it is Reflexive or not: Jose and Miguel shave everyday. She wakes up her baby sister. We get dressed early for school. You shower before bed. Mrs. Miller washes her daughter’s hands.


TYPES OF REFLEXIVE VERBS Personal/Routine ex. bathe, go to bed Emotional ex. get angry, become sad General ex. to behave Most of the time, these are things you do for yourself anyway.

REFLEXIVE VERBS lavarse When you decide a sentence is Reflexive it must be written in a certain way. When Reflexive Verbs are conjugated in SPANISH, the reflexive pronoun must be removed from the infinitive and change to agree with the subject. lavarse Ex. I wash everyday. Yo me lavo todos los días.


se-himself, herself, yourself (formal), itself nos-ourselves REFLEXIVE VERBS Spanish Reflexive Pronouns me- myself te- yourself (inf.) se-himself, herself, yourself (formal), itself nos-ourselves se-themselves

REFLEXIVE VERBS Spanish Reflexive Pronouns match up with the SUBJECT! (yo) me- myself (tú) te- yourself (inf.) (él, ella Ud.) se-himself, herself, yourself (formal), itself (nosotros) nos-ourselves (ellos, ellas, Uds.) se-themselves


I wash my hands everyday. REFLEXIVE VERBS Look at the following example: I wash my hands everyday. 1. Is it a Reflexive sentence? 2. What is the Spanish Reflexive verb for to wash? 3. Since Spanish Reflexive Pronouns must match the subject…what Spanish Reflexive pronoun do we need that means “myself?”

I wash my hands everyday. REFLEXIVE VERBS Since we chose the Spanish Reflexive Pronoun “me,” where do we place it in the Spanish sentence/question? I wash my hands everyday. Before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive…of course! Now, let’s try writing the example above in Spanish using Reflexives.

Yo me lavo mis manos todos los días. REFLEXIVE VERBS I wash my hands everyday. Yo me lavo mis manos todos los días. Notice, we do not have to say the myself in English to indicate the sentence IS Reflexive. The verb does that on its own.

REFLEXIVE VERBS She washes her hair in the morning in the bathroom. HOMEWORK: Decide if it IS Reflexive FIRST and then write it in Spanish. WATCH FOR STEM-CHANGING REFLEXIVES! She washes her hair in the morning in the bathroom. He shaves on Saturday with shaving cream. When are we taking a bath (bathing) today? Mrs. Martinez bathes her daughter before school. *I wake up everyday at 8. We get/become mad in Spanish class. They get up and *get dressed early.

REFLEXIVE VERBS Look again: How would we change the following to NOT be a Reflexive sentence/question? She washes her hair in the morning. He shaves on Saturday. When are we taking a bath (bathing) today?


REFLEXIVE VERBS All of the Reflexive Verbs from your vocab list must be learned but FYI, several are stem-changers or irregular yo! LEARN THEM! E-IE O-UE despertarse=to wake up 1. acostarse=to go to bed sentarse=to sit down 2. dormirse=to go/fall asleep IRREGULAR YO VERB E-I 1. ponerse= to become/get___ vestirse=to get dressed

REFLEXIVE VERBS (stem-changers) despertarse=to wake up sentarse=to sit down e-ie me despierto nos despertamos te despiertas se despierta se despiertan e-ie me siento nos sentamos te sientas se sienta se sientan

REFLEXIVE VERBS (stem-changers) vestirse=to get dressed e-i me visto nos vestimos te vistes se viste se visten

REFLEXIVE VERBS (stem-changers) dormirse=to fall asleep acostarse=to go to bed o-ue me duermo nos dormimos te duermes se duerme se duermen o-ue me acuesto nos acostamos te acuestas se acuesta se acuestan

REFLEXIVE VERBS (irregular yo) ponerse=to become/get______ me pongo nos ponemos te pones se pone se ponen

REFLEXIVE VERBS Class Examples: Write the following in Spanish but FIRST decide if the sentence is or IS NOT reflexive. 1. They brush their hair on Monday. 2. Mom bathes her daughter Rosa early. 3. The nice boys wake up late everyday. 4. Luisa washes her new car. 5. I shower before I leave.

REFLEXIVE VERBS SHOWING EMOTION When using a Reflexive that demonstrates emotion it can be translated in English to: “to get” or “to become” Ex. Yo me enojo con esta clase. I get/become angry with this class.

REFLEXIVE VERBS-Emotions Often, Reflexive Verbs are used to convey emotions or feelings. Examples…LEARN THEM! enojarse con=to get angry with preocuparse (por)=to worry about sentirse (e-ie)=to feel ______ (bad, sorry) ponerse + adjective=to become _____ content/happy=contento(a) bored=aburrido(a) nervous=nervioso(a) ALL MUST AGREE IN GENDER AND sad=triste NUMBER WITH SUBJECT!

REFLEXIVE VERBS UNA VEZ MÁS! Write the following in Spanish but FIRST decide if the sentence is or IS NOT reflexive. 1. I get angry when the girl laughs. 2. She combs her daughter’s hair in the bathroom. 3. Do you (Ud.) get bored at home? 4. We say good-bye to Mateo.