Effective Lesson Planning
Effective Lesson Planning About the lesson plan 2. What is an effective lesson plan? 3. How to create an effective lesson plan
About the Lesson Plan What is it for? for an individual lesson structure the learning for your students organize materials for helping your students achieve learning outcomes
About the Lesson Plan Features: Details of the plan will vary depending on your preference and the subject being covered. The requirements of your lesson plan may be mandated by the school system. It can be flexible within certain boundaries.
What Is an Effective Lesson Plan? It will show that: You know your students’ prior knowledge in the subject area You know what they do in the next stage NC Your students know what they are learning in the lesson and why they are learning objectives 4. Your students know what it will look like when the learning is done outcomes 5. You know they are on the right track assessment You have structured the lesson to engage your students’ learning introduction, main teaching, plenary 7. You have focused on student-centred learning methods /a personalised learning approach It will meet the needs of your students
How to Create an Effective Lesson Plan Step 1 - Thinking Q1: What do your students need to learn from this lesson? Q2: How can your students learn? Step 2 – Writing Write Your Lesson Plan
Q1: What do your students need to learn from this lesson? Step 1 - Thinking Q1: What do your students need to learn from this lesson? Begin with the end in mind, ask yourself those basic questions: What needs to be covered in the lesson? How does this lesson fit into the overall plan for the term (Scheme of work) and meet the curriculum standards?
Q2: How can your students learn? Step 1 - Thinking Q2: How can your students learn? Begin with the end in mind, ask yourself those basic questions: What chunk of time have you got? What resources are available? How are you going to assess that learning? Who has specific needs?
Step 1 Thinking National Curriculum clear and achievable resources, subject knowledge Personalised learning
Step 2 – Writing Write Your Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Samples & Templates
6 7 1 5 2 4 3 Write Your Lesson Plan Process Class: Title/Topic Date: Class: Title/Topic of the lesson: Evaluation and respond to feedback Assessment for learning (Homework) 6 7 Set up learning objectives 1 Select and develop teaching & learning resources 5 Write Your Lesson Plan Process Clarify the learning outcomes 2 Select appropriate teaching & learning strategies Select and organise content 4 3
Learning objectives Outcomes are statements of what you are setting out to teach, although expressed as if the students were going to learn it. Outcomes are statements of what a student will know or be able to do, if she or he has learned everything in the lesson.
Tips of Lesson Planning It is a tool to achieve the result Have a purpose and be flexible Think simple steps that your students need to take to achieve your aims Do not over plan
An outstanding lesson is not marked by what you teach but what your students learn.
Techniques: Effective Lesson Structure Lesson Starter Energising yet sometimes setting. Review prior learning. Lesson End Preview future learning. Outcome Focused Delivery What is expected at the end of the learning? to be able to describe… explain… create… Outcomes are written, explicitly shared with students and re-visited throughout the lesson. Learning Plenary Discuss challenges and explore lesson outcomes. Review outcomes that have been achieved. Features multi-plenary opportunities to engage the students. New Learning/Task Introduction Teacher input to facilitate learning with various activities Establish assessment criteria to enable self, peer and teacher assessment. The purpose of a task is linked to outcomes. This is communicated to the students. Learning Development Students work on tasks with strategies in place to avoid dependence on teacher. All students are engaged in ‘low access – high challenge’ tasks