E GYAN SAGAR The ultimate destiny for educational institution ,teachers and students
Problem which are being faced by Students and Problem which are being faced by Students and educational institution in present scenario For Students 1- There is no common platform where Students could search for all the educational institution and check quality of teaching in those institutions. 2- If students fail to attend some of the classes or want to revise the classes again originally then it is not possible . 3- Financially weak Student can’t go for Classes of the Best of the coaching Institute . 4- Those students who can’t pay to educational institution they will also be able to take classes of educational institutions . For Educational Institutions 1- If any educational institution want to give their online classes then they will have to work on diverse field , i.e. a) Developing Website b) Recording All the classes c) Editing Classes to enhance its quality d) Uploading Classes on website and maintain its proper functioning e) distributing Login Id . and Password through which user could access these classes f) Customer Care 2- Education institution like Coaching Institutes ,Engineering , Medical and MBA College want to promote their institution’s quality of teaching and facility they are providing , to get maximum admission in their institution .
Current available solution to the problem are as follows :- 1-Students are moving each of the coaching institute physically to attend demo classes and to check quality of teaching . 2- Students who can’t pay in educational institution they are not able to take classes from educational institutions. 3-Students are searching demo classes at Google , YouTube and website owned by institution . 4- Students revise their classes through class notes only . 5- Educational Institutions are hiring Private Companies to perform all the work Needed to give their classes online , which is very costly , because of which they don’t start their online class . 6- Online video classes of other engineering and medical colleges are available which is very costly and not affordable for general students .
E Gyan Sagar is offering solution of all the problem of Students and Educational Institutions discussed above at one common platform i.e. – www.egyansagar.com
Who are competitors and how we are unique Competitors :- YouTube , Daily Motion , Educational Institution Personal website . How we are unique 1-We are providing common platform for student where they can search demo video lectures of educational institution filtering based on a)City wise searching b)Institute wise searching c)Subject wise d)Topic wise e)Teacher Wise 2- we are providing opportunity to financially weaker section to prepare for competitive examination free of cost or at concession Fee . 3- Educational Institution Could start their Online Just by minimum effort . www.egyansagar.com is unified search engine dedicated only for education . Where as our competitors are working as search engine for every thing which also create deviation for students. This Part will be activated Ones Large Number of educational Institution will be In Tie up with www.egyansagar.com
Social Impact of www.egyansagar.com 1- www.egyansagar.com will evolve as platform which will be ultimate destiny in the field of education for students and Educational Institutions both . 2- Classes of best of the engineering , medical , MBA and or other professional courses will be available to students of smaller college which will also enhance quality and stander of education among students . 3- Students will prefer to take admission in those educational institutions which will give facility of online revision of their classes. Targeted market 1-Targeted market of www.egyansagar.com students of all category weather they are preparing for competitive examination or doing professional course from degree college and educational institution who are interested to give their online class . 2- Students who want to go for higher education , but can’t attend regular ragular classes in coaching institute .
Our status , Revenues and Clients :- we are working actively in market from 15 January we have work order from eight educational institutions who want to give their online classes . We have around 200 active online students . We successfully completed project of Vijay Study Circle ( Ranchi ) At present we are working in Jharkhand and in the past five month we have generated 2,00,000 INR
Commercially Viability of Product Commercially www.egyansagar.com will very Successful because such a product is in demand from past but no body is providing it , Hence we are entering in a open market .we are not creating any new product , we are providing new technique through which educational institutions which are already in demand will be more Accessible , Acceptable and Affordable by students . Sources of fund Generation a)From paid listing of educational institution and yearly subscription . b)From educational institution 1200 INR/students yearly is being collected for online revision facility their students use , This amount could be either adjusted in offline fee of their course because this facility will actually bust the admission in their institution because of extra facility they are providing to their students . This amount could also be divided two part , half will be afforded by educational institution and another half i.e. 600 by educational institution. c)E Gyan Sagar is earning 40 % of the total fee collected through online students of educational institution .
Commercially Viability of Product d) E Gyan Sagar is generating revenue on development of demo classes and promotional videos of educational institutions . e) In future as we will get large number of students visiting on our website then then we will provide facility to students to purchase books of all stream online through our website . f) From paid ranking , advertisement and online sales of books revenue generated will be additional Some Special Financial Facility we are providing for weaker section . 1-E Gyan Sagar is facilitating educational institution to start their class online Free of cost , For that they will have to give 10% online class at concession rate to weaker section of the society . 2- weaker section will have to register them self on our website , If family income of that student is less then 1 lakh , then He/she will have to upload documents supporting that and on the basis of that they will be , under the criteria to get financial concession from educational institutions .
Market Size and Financial Projection After completing one project , we have exact facts and figures regarding profit margin i.e. 1 lakh / 200 students from one coaching institute. Market Size and Financial Projection Approx 1crore 50lakh students are studying in engineering and medical college and 3.5 crore students are preparing for competitive examination . Out of which, If we will be able to approach only 1% then also we will get business of 60 crore per annum only from students of educational institution directly .Out of this Our profit margin will be about 2.5 crore .
company’s Phage wise approach in the market 1st Phage : (For six months) a) To Provide global platform dedicated for education only, on which any of the educational institution could upload their demo classes ,promotional video and detail , through which educational institution need to get searched among students and will get admission and response in market . 2 – we will Promote www.egyansagar.com as such a brand that , we could say ,Think of Education think of www.egyansagar.com 3- We will approach best competitive coaching institute in all the states to start their online class with www.egyansagar.com
2nd Phage:(For next One year ) 1- In India 23 IIT Engineering college is actively functioning , in first phage www.egyansagar.com will approach all these IIT Collage to online their lecture for their students and students of other college. 2- Give facility to students of one engineering college to access classes of best engineering college in easy and affordable way , this will also work as platform through which educational institution will also get business. 3-In the field of Medical and MBA collage- In India about 460 medical college is there , out of which targeted 20 to 25 best medical college , we will approach to give their lecture online for students of these college and students of other collage . 4– Approach top 20 to 25 MBA collage of India , to give their lecture online for their students and students of other college .
In the 3rd phage ( Next Six month ) we will approach best of the college and educational institution globally .
Team E Gyan Sagar Marketing Advisor and In charge Abhijit Verma Partners of E Gyan sagar a) Abhijit Verma Marketing Advisor and In charge Abhijit Verma Technical Head and project In charge Sarfraz Ahmed Web support Team Tapas Ranjan and Kamlesh Kumar Video editing and uploading Team Gourav Mahto Niwaran Kumar Camera man Sanjay Singh