Is a highly personal matter FAMILY PLANNING Is a means of enhancing and improving quality of life through the proper spacing of the birth of every child. A program to regulate the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice of contraception or other methods of birth control. Is a highly personal matter
Freedom It does not mean stopping to have children. Leads to harmony among the family members.
BENEFITS AND IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY PLANNING For the children For married couples For the father
For the mother For the community, country, and the world
TYPES OF FAMILY PLANNING NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING is a term referring to the family planning methods approved by the Roman Catholic Church. In accordance with the requirements for sexual behavior in keeping with the dignity of the human person, as maintained by the church, NFP excludes the use of other methods of birth control.
These are the different methods of avoiding pregnancy by observing the fertile days of the woman and abstaining from sex during this period. Sexual abstinence
LACTATIONAL AMENORRHEA METHOD (LAM) Six- month period after a mother gives birth is considered safe, provided that two conditions: •her menstrual period has not returned since delivery •she is a breastfeeding her baby and her milk is the only food that her baby consumes.
CERVICAL MUCUS METHOD (CMM) Requires observation of the woman’s cervical mucus. It is safe when the woman feels dry or when there are no mucus secretions.
TWO- DAY METHOD (TDM) An offshoot of the CMM TWO- DAY METHOD (TDM) An offshoot of the CMM. In this TDM, a woman is fertile if she has mucus secretions for two consecutive days. It needs daily observation and monitoring using a chart.
BASAL BODY TEMPERATURE This relies on charting the daily temperature of the woman. A woman’s temperature rises 0.2- 0.5 degrees during the ovulation period. Abstinence should be practiced during her fertile period which is from the first day of menstruation until her temperature has risen above her regular temperature and has stayed that high or gone higher for three full days. Non- fertile is the period after and until the beginning of her next menstrual cycle
SYMPTO-THERMAL METHOD (STM) The combination of observing the cervical mucus secretion of the woman and her body temperature.
STANDARD DAY METHOD (SDM) or CYCLE BEADS This is applicable to women whose menstrual cycles are from 26- 32 days. In this method, the woman counts the days of her menstrual cycles starting with the first day of her menstruation. The 8- 9 days of the cycle are the fertile period while the rest of the days are the non- fertile period.
WITHDRAWAL METHOD Oldest method of contraception WITHDRAWAL METHOD Oldest method of contraception. The couple can have intercourse until the moment of the man’s climax when he has to withdraw his sex organ before ejaculation.
ARTIFICIAL METHODS Are temporary and permanent methods of birth control. PILLS This contains synthetic hormones which prevent ovulation. A woman who takes the pills is actually ingesting a daily dose of estrogen and or progesterone which produce the same effects when fertilization has taken place.
INTRAUTERINE DEVICE (IUD) Is a small plastic or stainless steel object about 2.5 cm in diameter and with a nylon tail. It is inserted into the uterus, and prevents the implantation of the fertilized ovum because of its effect on the walls of the uterus. It also maintains a chemical reaction which tends to weaken or destroy sperm.
CONDOM It is a thin sheath made of synthetic rubber or similar material which is worn tightly over the male sex organ during sexual intercourse. It holds and prevents the sperm from being deposited in the vagina, or even coming in contact with the woman’s body.
DIAPHRAGM It is a thin rubber cap which covers the cervix and prevents the sperm from entering the womb. The diaphragm is always put in place before every sexual intercourse and should not be removed until six hours after.
VASECTOMY Is a minor surgical operation lasting from 15- 30 minutes which involves the cutting and tying of the vas deferens, the tubes through which the sperm cells pass from the testicles to the genital passages.
TUBAL LIGATION It is an operation by which the fallopian tubes are cut and tied to block the passage of the egg from the ovaries. This prevents the sperm cells released during sexual intercourse from fertilizing the mature ovum. Thus pregnancy does not result.