CHAPTER 18 The Victorians Make the Modern 1880–1916 James A. Henretta Eric Hinderaker Rebecca Edwards Robert O. Self America’s History Eighth Edition America: A Concise History Sixth Edition CHAPTER 18 The Victorians Make the Modern 1880–1916 Copyright © 2014 by Bedford/St. Martin’s
I. Commerce and Culture A. Consumer Spaces 1. The circus 2. First-class rail cars 3. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
I. Commerce and Culture B. Masculinity and the Rise of Sports 1. “Muscular Christianity” 2. America’s Game 3. Rise of the Negro Leagues 4. American Football
I. Commerce and Culture C. The Great Outdoors 1. Preservation 2. Environmentalists I
II. Women, Men, and the Solitude of the Self A. Changes in Family Life 1. The average American family 2. Comstock Act (1873)
II. Women, Men, and the Solitude of the Self B. Education 1. The rise of high school 2. College 3. African American education 4. Women’s education
II. Women, Men, and the Solitude of the Self C. From Domesticity to Women’s Rights 1. The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union 2. Women, Race, and Patriotism
II. Women, Men, and the Solitude of the Self C. From Domesticity to Women’s Rights 3. Women’s Rights
III. Science and Faith A. Darwinism and Its Critics 1. Theory 2. Social Darwinism 3. Eugenics
III. Science and Faith B. Realism in the Arts 1. Naturalism 2. Modernism
III. Science and Faith C. Religion: Diversity and Innovation 1. Immigrant Faiths 2. Protestant Innovations 3. Fundamentalists