The Minoans and Mycenaeans Early Greeks The Minoans and Mycenaeans
Minoan Artwork
Minoan Artwork ???
Mycenaean Artwork
Mycenaean Artwork
Minoan Culture Artwork: Peaceful, colorful, images of nature and animals, peaceful ocean scenes, blues Found on the island of Crete in about 2700 B.C. Traded throughout the Mediterranean Traded gold, bronze, and olive oil Volcano eruption likely ended the civilization Built large cities and richly decorated palaces Mixed copper and tin to make bronze Used a decimal system based on the number ten to keep track of trade Wrote on clay tablets using pictographs Were skilled at making pottery, jewelry, and gold and bronze goods of all kinds
Mycenaean Culture Were Aryan tribes that moved into southern Greece They were fierce warriors and traders who used good bronze weapons and armor They set up trading colonies throughout the Mediterranean Used Minoan ways and adapted them to fit their culture (especially art and writing) The Mycenaean culture came to an end in about 1200 B.C. (because of a large earthquake) Artwork was earth tone in color and depicted scenes of war
The Trojan Culture Was centered in the ancient city of Troy in Asia Minor Was found in present day Turkey Trojans farmed and raised horses and sheep The traded with the Mycenaean’s and other cultures Many people believe Troy was invaded and destroyed by the Mycenaean’s around 1250 B.C. According to the story, “The Odyssey” it took ten years for the Mycenaean’s to defeat Troy
City States and Greek Culture Greece was divided into isolated city states These city states often fought over the land between them Goats, sheep, seafood, olives, and grapes were some of the most popular Greek foods Athens and Sparta were two of the most powerful city states
Athens Was based on Education and the arts (drama, art, and philosophy) Athens had a very strong Navy They had a majority rule democracy in which all free men had right to vote Women had few rights in Athens Athens became wealthy from protecting other Greek city states Pericles strengthened the government by allowing more people citizenship rights
Sparta Had a culture based on military Boys joined the military at age 7 Believed was education was for the weak People were not allowed to have luxury items The state owned everything The government was an oligarchy Defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian War Surrounded Athens and cut off their supply lines Was afraid that Athens would take over all of Greece
The Golden Age of Athens Pericles was the leader of Athens during the Golden Age (elected leader in 460 B.C.) Introduced pay for public officials Allowed more people to take part in the government Pericles was a patron of the arts Arts flourished during this time (theatre-comedies and tragedies) Scientists began to study nature and human life (Hippocrates showed that illness came from natural causes) Hippocrates wrote a set of rules for doctors that is still followed today Other innovations: The circumference of a circle is always the length of the diameter times 3.14 (pi) The Archimedes screw Maps to navigate the sea Simple machines to measure angles and distances The Olympic games began in Greece The Golden Age ended with the beginning of the Peloponnesian War and when a plague ripped through Athens
Alexander the Great Took over the rule of Greece after his father (King Philip of Macedonia) was killed Loved Greek culture and spread it throughout the region His private teacher was Aristotle Allowed conquered people to keep their customs and spread Greek culture as his empire expanded Integrated Persian soldiers into his army Married a Persian noble woman (Roxanne) Defeated Porus and his army of elephants Died at the age of 34 (mysterious death)
The Story of Greece Persian invades and is defeated by Athens (led by Darius) Persia invades again and is defeated by all of the Greek forces (led by Xerxes) Athens has a strong navy and begins protecting all of Greece (and getting paid for it) Sparta does not like the power and influence Athens is gaining Sparta attacks Athens (Peloponnesian War) Sparta wins King Philip takes over Greece Alexander rules after his father Roman Empire eventually conquers Greece
Greek Religion Polytheistic Many gods and goddesses God and goddesses live on Mount Olympus Zeus is the most powerful of the gods Gods can change form and often interact in the life of humans Gods controlled elements of nature