5th Grade Gazette 2-5-2018 What We’re Learning This Week: Math- Students will be learning how to multiply fractions in our new unit, Chapter 7! Reading-We will continue studying comparing and contrasting various accounts in historical texts. We will learn how to properly use commas in a series. Social Studies- We will be continuing our government unit and learning about the levels of government. Jump Rope For Heart If you’d like your child to participate, please complete the Jump Rope for Heart form and submit your money envelope this Wednesday, February 7th. If your child collects enough money to earn a shirt, please mark the appropriate size in the box at the bottom of the envelope. The jump roping event will be held on February 23rd ! Note: PLEASE CONVERT ALL CASH TO A CHECK(S) PAYABLE TO THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION! Book Fair The book fair will be next week! It will be February 12-16th in library. If you wish for your child to participate, please send their money in in a sealed envelope marked with their name and “Book Fair!” Calendar Changes In your child’s Monday folder you will be receiving a new, updated school calendar. All snow day makeups and changes will be on the new calendar. Any new snow makeup days will be added on to the end of the school year. PLease keep this calendar in a safe place for reference. Important Dates February 7- Jump Rope for Heart Money Due February 12-16 - Book Fair February 14- Valentine’s Day Card Exchange February 19- Make up day- School in Session February 23- Jump Rope For Heart Event March 9- Makeup day-School in Session Valentine’s Day Party Next week on Wednesday, February 14th we will be having a small classroom celebration! If your child wishes to participate, they will need to make a Valentine for every student in the class. Also, they will need to make a Valentine’s bag, box, or some kind of holder at home. They will bring this to school that day to collect all of their Valentines. See our class list below: Mrs. Tucker’s Valentines Landon A Brandon B Hannah Kylie Kristian Brandy Aiden Makayla Evan Zach Christina Addy Owen Chris Jamison Mollie Isaiah Jedidiah Brandon R Isaac Landon T Brayden Mason Jadon John