Happy Valentines Day By Ava Dimao
Grace Grace you are… Smart, I know you will succeed in everything Cute, very small and adorable Always positive, you deserve that award Kind, to everyone, you believe in everyone
Jared Jared, you are… Caring, always nice and go out of your way to help others Funny, you make us laugh with your stories and humor Smart, you help people out when they need help and you know the answer to everything Helpful, you help your classmates and teachers a lot
Katie Katie you are… Funny, you always make me and everyone around you laugh Good Writer, you write amazing stories. I always love hearing your stories Loyal, you would never tell anyone other peoples secrets or mine to anyone else Positive, you put your best foot forward in everything and start your days out with laughs and smiles
Enzo Enzo you are… Hilarious honestly, you make everyone laugh. Even the teachers. Good Singer, that’s why you got picked for The Little Mermaid. Helpful, you help me, other students and teachers any time you can Creative, you come up with crazy, but awesome things to write about
Dakota Dakota you are… Cute, your smile is beautiful Positive, always laughing and making jokes. You cheer people up and make us laugh with your beautiful smile Fashionable, you rock every outfit you wear Athletic, you are one strong girl
Luke Luke you are, Humorous, those faces you make are one of a kind Smart, you can think of answers very quickly Kind, you would never exclude anyone or be mean to them Athletic, even though I have never seen you play hockey, I bet you’re really good
Maddy Maddy you are… Cute, you rock those glasses My twin, we are sisters!! Generous, you share and always give back in someway. Also, you are always giving of yourself Helpful, you help me, other classmates, and teachers a lot
Alex Alex you are… Good singer and saxophone player, you deserve to be part of the chorus for The Little Mermaid. Also, you are great at playing the saxophone. Loyal, you would never be mean to anyone and are always a true friend to everybody Helpful, you help everyone, including teachers, me, and other students Great piano player, again you are awesome at playing the piano, I could never do that
Taylor Taylor you are.. Artist, you draw so well and you are so much better than me Funny, you draw funny characters and always make me laugh Great writer, you write amazing stories Creative, you write, draw, and say odd and funny things that pop into your head
Nik Nik, you are Funny, you make me laugh a lot Kind, you are always nice to me and others around you Brave, you climbed the climbing wall and you didn’t look scared one bit Smart, you answer your math facts super quickly
Kiersten Kiersten you are… Smart, you do awesome in every subject Bookworm, I definitely believe that it wont take you long to finish the whole Harry Potter series Kind, you are always supportive of others around you Positive, you are always smiling
Jordan Jordan you are… Funny, you make faces and noises and jokes that make everyone laugh Smart, you are amazing in many subjects at school Athletic, you do awesome in gym and the sports we play Obsessed with hockey, you can’t stop talking about hockey and I bet your really good at it too
MACKENZIE Mackenzie you are… Good at math, girl, you know everything about Math Sweet, you always comfort everyone when they are sad and you are always there for me Supportive, you always stick by me and tell me I can do it My triplet, with Maddy we are the candy cane triplets
Adam Adam you are… Fast, you were one of the final people in our first pacer test to stop running Kind, you are never mean to anyone and you are always very nice to me and teachers. Also, all the other students Amusing, you make funny faces, jokes, noises and all. You always make me laugh Smart, I have worked as a partner with you and you quickly knew the answers
Fallon Fallon you are… Creative, you are awesome at art and come up with so many interesting things Smart, you are very intelligent and it does not take you long to figure out a problem. I bet you will always succeed Very good reader, you finish books like that. You zoom right through books Bookworm, you are always reading books. You read every free second you have. I always see you with your nose in a book
Jack Jack you are… Good in gym, you are great at playing basketball and being fast Funny, you make really funny jokes and make hilarious faces Smart, you answer your math facts super quickly Good at sports, you are awesome at every sport unit we do in Gym
Alexandrea Alexandrea you are… Creative, you write about crazy things and you are awesome at art Kind, you are always nice to me and other classmates Amusing, you make funny jokes Awesome writer, you write amazing stories
Aiden Aiden you are… Smart, you are amazing at math. You are so much better than me Helpful, when I drop something you always help me pick it up Kind, you never are mean to anyone and you are always nice to me and other students Positive, you are always laughing and smiling during the school day
Randy Randy you are… Great Gamer, based on your shirts I can tell you are a great gamer Funny, you always are making jokes Bookworm, always reading something new Athletic, you are really good in gym
Mrs.Silvestri Mrs. Silvestri you are… Smart, you know the answer to everything and always know how to help me Pretty, you always look so beautiful Kind and caring, you care about everyone in our class and you are always so nice to everyone The best teacher ever, you are nice, smart, helpful, and the best teacher ever
Mrs. GLadstone Mrs. Gladstone you are… Positive, you are always smiling and laughing Kind, you are always so nice to everyone Smart, you can always help me and answer all my questions The best teacher ever, I have enjoyed every part of this year with you
The End I have enjoyed every single second of this year being in this class! You guys are making this the best year ever! I don’t know what I would do without you guys! You are all my BFFS!!!